I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, your enemies are in a state of disarray. Panic is looming every day, not knowing (why) everything they have been setting their sights on is now being torn apart, and they are petrified of losing it all.
They are trying every back door to get around President Trump to stop him. They know they are being hunted. They want to avoid all traps, but they don’t know where these traps are being set. The hunters have now become the hunted on an unprecedented scale. Your enemies were truly not prepared for this quick turn of events. The more they persist and resist, the more they will collapse.
There is a dark war going on inside your capital to try and take back power in every way possible. And there is still a plot to take out the president. There are still traitors in your Secret Service, but they will be exposed for allowing weaknesses in President Trump’s security. Every rat will be drawn out and exposed. No one who is fighting against this country or My David will win or be successful in their plans. Instead, they will lose everything they are fighting for.
Catastrophic failure will continue to hit your enemies and everything they have designed, says the Lord.
Air raid: this phrase will be in the news for an unprecedented reason.
Ransacked: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. The tables are turning on your enemies. Every weapon they authorized against President Trump or the many innocent victims will now be turned on them, the ones who demanded these attacks. The days of Haman are here in unprecedented ways.
FBI raids will also be in your news. These raids will happen to government officials who committed treason against this country.
A significant breakthrough is coming for you, oh United States. The captors who stole your Nation from you through stolen elections, manipulation, and deceit will be revealed. There is a laptop that is about to surface, which will prove “the Biden” was 100% illegitimate.
Your enemies’ walls are caving in. There are weaknesses they did not see that will bring out the big lie of 2020. The establishment is being torn apart right before your very eyes.
There is another Biden secret which will reveal who was behind the mask. No matter how hard they have tried to hide “the Biden” and who he really is, all will be revealed.
A great dismantling of the 2020 lie and all the swamp secrets is coming in unconventional ways. The war to enslave this Nation, hold it captive, and destroy it for global control has been broken. My Hand is moving to bring justice to this Nation.
Assassination: this word will continue to be in your news. The hit jobs against previous presidents and President Trump will all come out into the open. Every secret that kept the establishment alive will be exposed. A list is coming out—a list of every government official who is guilty of crimes, along with all the proof needed to arrest and remove them. This will cause a political tsunami wave to hit your capital. It will cause historical events to take place in your Nation. Oh, United States: your political enemies are being judged by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.
There is mayhem in the swamp. The DC swamp rats are about to be driven out of their crevices, thinking they can save themselves when in fact, it will be their end. Yes, the rule of the globalists in this Nation is coming to an end, says the Lord.
Pentagon secrets will be exposed. I told you before they cooked the books. Those books will surface, and many will lose their medals and freedoms. The corruption that controlled this Nation is being annihilated as I speak these words.
The Federal Reserve is about to have an audit it did not count on—one that will be unprecedented in nature. Their planned collapse and control over this Nation will end abruptly. The reason the establishment and the global elites designed the Federal Reserve was to control this Nation financially and then bury it, but instead, it will cause your enemies’ ultimate collapse.
Unconstitutional: this word will be in your news repeatedly. You will find out about all the unconstitutional things many rogue governments, including your own, have committed against this Nation. They allowed things to take place to collapse the republic and (take away) every freedom your Nation once had. Your enemies have always hated this Nation and what it stands for because it stands in the way of their global plans.
My children, rejoice! These are the days of unprecedented reveals and explosive exposures of your enemies. I am your victory and your avenger. These are the days of My vengeance and justice being served in unprecedented ways. So, rejoice! Your enemies are all coming down, says the Lord your Redeemer.