Sunday, February the 2nd, 2025. It is hard for a political leader who’s trying to carry such weight as the leader of a nation. As a matter of fact, it is impossible without the help of God.
For God, the Lord, raises up kings and puts down kings. Right now in the time we are in is a particular time. It is the time of Trump and Netanyahu.
The time is upon us never to be forgotten on this side of the page. It will take all your spiritual fortitude to continue. You and I must not give in to fatigue.
We must not. We should count it a privilege that with all of our faults and all of our shortcomings,we were called in the time of Trump. God has used him.
God has used you to pray. There is one Savior, Jesus the Christ, and that title he will share with no other. As God raises up people to deliver, so has he done now.
Someone whom he could use to show himself strong in. How far will it go? As far as spiritual strength from heaven can be accessed. Such a spiritual strength is accessed by intercessors and faith.
Thus, 1 Timothy 2, verses 1 and 2, pray for all men and kings and men of authority. The church has the strange idea that it’s drawing its strength from President Trump. But nay, rather President Trump is drawing his strength from the church.Let us continue to be a source of strength for him, accessing the power of the Almighty through the weapons the church has that is not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The leaders of nations such as the U.S. and Israel can feel the weight of the mandate of heaven. They know not how to access it or walk in it.
The weight of a king is too heavy to bear carnally. It must be carried by the strength of the great equalizer, the anointing. The power of God on human flesh doing those things that flesh cannot do.
When the leader loses their access to walk in the authority, a walk in the anointing, the weight of the office begins to show on them immediately. And if it is not walked in, if it’s walked in without the anointing, it can drive a man mad. God has given his people another chance to redeem time and to have a future.
Let us as the church of Jesus, the body of the living Christ, lift our voice unashamedly and be a source of strength for Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu and never waver in it. This is Sunday, February the 2nd, 2025. February 2nd, 2025, 225.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You begin to look, 2, 4, 6, 8, 5 is what? Is 4, the number of establishment. If you count Sunday as the first day of the week, then it is 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, which is what? 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 14, which is 5. So 2, February 2nd, 2025 sums 4. Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 sums 5. 4 and 5 sum 9.
The power of the Holy Ghost.
Therefore it is a day of establishment, of governmental establishment and a day of grace. And it has come together on this day. On this day.
That’s the reason I’m reading the prophetic word today. It is the day of governmental establishment and the day of governmental grace from the church. So it is a day.
It is the day when government meets grace. And it sums 9. Holy Ghost power. 9 gifts of the Spirit.
9 fruit of the Spirit. This is power sent upon the church of the living God. This is power that the church cannot and must not deny going forward.
And today is a day, a portal from heaven to access it and bring it into our anointed leaders, Trump, Netanyahu, and an unexpected ally in the war against the Antichrist, Vladimir Putin. Russia will do all the scripture declares it will do. But it will not be through this leader.
But another. Elisha anointed Jehu king of Israel, Hazael king of Syria. America the prophetic power, Israel the legal, Putin the unlikely ally against the Antichrist.
Let’s rise up and recognize and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Hallelujah.