Go to the notes where one of the prophets that comes to our prayer meeting, his name is Eric, and he, while we were worshiping and asking God to open this portal, then I go around and I release the glory on every person. He said, when I came in, I released the glory on him. He had a vision and he saw God opening the portal over the White House, and I asked him if he would write it out for me so I could share it with everyone.
What he saw in the spirit was incredibly powerful. That’s why so many wonderful things are happening. There is a portal opened over the White House, and God’s glory is able to invade there.
His angels have free access. What God wants to accomplish, he’s going to accomplish, and we’re seeing him do it. And this is, let me just share this, what Eric said, okay, I’m looking for it in my notes, but it’s right here, he said, I saw, this is what he saw when I laid hands on him and got filled with the glory.
He said, I saw that I was standing in the Oval Office. In this vision, he was standing in the Oval Office, and suddenly the circular walls around me began to slowly spin, and the circular ceiling also began to spin and then opened. So the ceiling opened.
He said, as that happened, I saw at my feet the rug or circular carpet of the Oval Office that had the presidential seal emblazoned on it. So he saw that rug, there it is, yes. Then I saw the eagle on the presidential seal on the floor, the one clutching the arrows and the olive branches in its talons, come up off the floor like it was alive, and it started flapping its huge wings.
As it did, it flew in a circular fashion straight upwards through the ceiling. Wow. And then he said, he said, I saw President Trump step into the middle of the Oval Office in his normal colored tailored suit, and as he did, a huge firenado or fire tornado descended down through the open ceiling and consumed President Trump while he was standing there.
The fire of God came upon him. Suddenly, as he was being consumed by this fire tornado, his suit changed from dark blue to bright pearly white. Wow.Wow. And he was wearing a solid gold tie. The glory of God, the purity, the righteousness of God, okay? His face shone like the face of Moses did as he descended from the top of the mount.
Oh, my Lord. And then a few days later, President, after the inauguration, President Trump was dressing the WEF, and the background directly behind him, I sent that picture in, there it is, is the picture of that seal, the presidential seal was right behind him that Eric saw in the vision. And he felt that that was a confirmation for him for that portal was opened over the White House.
What an incredible vision.