Woe to those judges across this land who think they can disrupt justice and the real rule of law. I am the true Judge, and My rulings will be the ones that stand.
You have ruled against the law of this land. You were paid to rule the way you do, and many of you will be disbarred. Many of you will be removed one way or another. True justice is coming to this land, and a great shaking is coming to the justice system. Corrupt judges across this land will be exposed. I will show your alliance to the establishment, your payoffs, the bribes, how they blackmailed you for the crimes you committed to do their bidding, and how everything has contributed to the way you ruled in countless cases across this country for the establishment’s agenda and their protection.
Follow the money and find the truth. I will not stop with the judges but (will expose) every person. It will lead to many judges and many court cases that ruled against truth and justice—the Department of Justice, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and everyone else that has worked with the establishment to poison the justice system to build their strength and power and to weaponize it against every person who dared to threaten their system and their precious establishment.
A great shaking is about to begin. It will even hit the highest court in the land. To everyone in the Supreme Court—judgment and justice are coming. This country and the world will soon know who are not true Supreme Court Justices. (The president) who appointed you was not legitimate, so that makes you illegitimate as well. I will show why you were picked and what the establishment holds over your heads (to get you) to do their bidding in every case that would threaten them or their agenda. All the blackmail, bribes, and payoffs you received from taxpayer money to rule in cases to keep the establishment safe will come out, and every ruling will be undone by Me, says the Lord.
A great shaking is coming to your doors. I have whistleblowers that will come out. They will show the money (that passed) under the table, who it all went to, how you were made to rule in certain cases, how you were paid to turn a blind eye to election fraud and to the real truth in so many cases that could have saved this Nation, and how you chose to not rule with true justice in mind. It was to save yourselves.
Many removals are coming in the Supreme Court. New and true justices will be appointed, and justice will be served once again and upheld by the highest court in the land. Look for a new Chief Justice (to be appointed)—a real Chief Justice that will uphold the law because Roberts will be judged, and his ties to the establishment will be exposed. He has been compromised for a long time. Almost every case he has ruled on will also prove that he has China ties and that they have controlled your justice system.
Oh, My United States, criminals have been in every part of your government, everywhere you look. But it is now time to clean out China, its ties, and their influence from this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts.
My children, farmland that was owned by China will be seized, and you will see how prices were manipulated against you so they could buy up all your land and then manipulate the system.
This includes farmland that was bought by Bill Gates and what he was doing with it. All his land will be seized, and his destruction will be stopped. I will show you what he was up to—what he was growing, testing, and using against you.
Oh, My United States and My children, I am destroying Bill Gates and the globalists’ plans and stopping their poisoning of your food supply. Many horrifying discoveries will be found on Gates’ land—how it was being weaponized against you. Seeds will once again be pure, and I will cleanse the ground of the poison that has soaked down into your soil.
I will also show you proof of what they were doing with chemtrails in your skies—manipulating the weather and changing climate to bring in fear so they would receive more funding for global warming, which they were causing. They were also poisoning your skies with viruses. They were polluting your air with everything they could use against you, but whistleblowers are coming to dismantle this part of your enemies’ system that was destroying the very air you breathe.
Every way your enemies were poisoning you will be stopped. A refreshing and healing will begin to take place in each and every one of you.
My children, your health has been paid for, and this is the time when you will begin to receive and know what it is really like to be healed and made whole. (There was) no feeble then, and (there will be) no feeble now with your exodus out of the hands of your oppressors.
Your enemies are being stopped in every way. So, begin to rejoice and shout about your freedom because all of it has been paid for, and you will be able to experience all that I have for you, says the Lord your Redeemer.