My Church, this is the time for a cleansing, a cleansing of the evil in the church body and in congregations. You do not look any different from the world in your actions, and your services are more like concerts with those fake fog machines, an imitation of My power.
My Church, this is not the time to play around. This is not the time to be disobedient. I have called you to be the salt and the light. I have called you. I have summoned you to fight this good fight. The command I have given you is to walk in love. So why aren’t you? If you are not walking in love, then you are not walking with Me.
Many of My people have been wondering why all these things are happening. It is because the church has been distracted. Some of the church has been deceived. Other churches have been oppressed with religion, man-made doctrines, and legalism.
Many are crying out to Me all the time. “Lord, why is it evil? Why are they controlling the Earth? Why are they filling the Earth with such darkness?” Where was My light? Where was My Church?
My Church is not full of the light I have for you, light that is supposed to shine through you, light that dispels the darkness. This is why the darkness has filled the Earth—because My Church was not filling the Earth with My light.
Some may say, “Lord, you are being too harsh. You cannot blame us.” My children, I have given you authority and dominion. I have seen what the enemy has done to you. I have seen the oppression. I have seen the sickness, and I have seen the pain. I have seen what he has tried to steal from you. I have seen how he has tried to destroy you. I see what the governments have done to enslave you.
But I gave you every answer. I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. Light dispels darkness. The light of My Body needs to shine with My real Words, not ones that man has made up.
In this hour, you will see the wolves in sheep’s clothing in the Body of Christ. You will see the wolves that have preyed on the innocent with their legalism and their righteousness, thinking they are better than everybody else. They are picking out the spec in everybody else’s eye when they have a stick in their own and for some, even a log.
Now is the time of judgment for the ones behind the pulpits. I will show you the ones that are connected to your government. The enemy has sent informants into the church to weaken you, sicken you, and deceive you.
My Word is out there. My Word has gone forth, and I have shown you My Authority. I have given it to you. It is written in My Word—I have given you power and authority over all the power the enemy possesses, not (just) some (of it). I have given you My Name. It is above every name. I have given you My Blood. It destroys the enemies’ power.
In this hour, I need My children to rise up. Rise up! I know the enemy is trying to keep you, to hold you down. Rise up! My Hand is always there to lift you up above them.
The enemy has for far too long been controlling, dominating, and tormenting you. You are the ones that are supposed to be dominating, ruling, and reigning on Earth, but you believed in the evil reports instead of Mine.
But the tides have turned. I will show who is really Mine, and I will weed out all the fakes. I will weed out those that are deceiving My children. I will weed out those who are preying on them just for money and fame. Many hearts will be broken because of who they put their trust in. They deceived them and lied in ways the people never thought they could be lied to in the church. These fakes are running the churches as just businesses alone with business mottos and (focusing on) what can bring in the most money. It was not Me or My Word. I bring increase.
My children, you have been looking to the political world to change everything. But this is a fight of good versus evil. This is a spiritual war, and I need My Church on the front lines. I need them strong, and I need them healthy.
You say, “Lord, it is not our fault.” No, it is not. It is not your fault that you were attacked, and you were tormented, and you were oppressed.
But now it is time to rise up from the ashes. It is time to rise up in My power and really tap into it in this hour. Seek My face and not My hand and just what I can do for you. Seek Who I am, and it will all be added unto you. I am your Father, and I love My children.
It is now time for My children to turn from disobedience, turn and obey, and take back what I have already given to you which is this world and everything in it.
This is a battle of good versus evil. Evil is about to implode, but some of My people will be on the wrong side when it ends because they will believe a lie over My truth. To the ones who will listen: pray for those who are not listening. Pray for the ones who are weak. Pray that they are strong.
My winds are coming upon this Earth—winds of change, winds of My power and Glory. Who will get in it? Who will receive it?
I have great things (to give), but not everybody will receive what I have to give. Receive this day all that I have for you, all that I desire for you to have. Take it! It is yours. It has already been paid for. Change! Do you need help? I will help you. If you need guidance, I will guide. If you need strength, I am your strength. Turn from the world. Turn from their ways, and you will see all that I have for thee, says the Lord.