I, the Lord, this day am speaking to My children. Your enemies have chosen their weapon of choice. The weapon they have used time and time again is theft. They are thieves, and they have stolen from you.
They have stolen something from every part of your life. From some, they have stolen their minds and memory. From some, they have stolen years, families, relationships, and loved ones. They have stolen peace and joy from you. They have stolen your health from you. They have stolen your children, marriages, and the unborn from you.
Yes, they have stolen money. Yes, they have stolen countries. Yes, they have stolen elections. But, My children, don’t you see that stealing from you is the weapon they yield? They have been continuously robbing you of things that do not belong to them. They have been storing things that belong to you. Don’t you see? You wield a stronger weapon. You have the sword of the spirit. You have the sword of truth. They have lies. You have truth. They rob, but I restore.
My children believe that I can do all things and that I am all powerful, but they do not believe that I can restore what has been stolen. My children were so excited when I restored their rightful president to them. They cheered, and they celebrated. But what about your lives? I said that what would save this Nation was not an election. This Nation needs Me to restore to you what the thieves have stolen. It goes far beyond elections.
Jesus paid too high of a price for you to leave out anything you would ask of Me. I am the one, true God, and this is the time to restore My children to the place I have given to them—a place of complete authority and complete dominion. But how can you take complete authority and dominion if you are still being stolen from and have not recovered what they have taken from you?
How do you have complete dominion and authority when you have so much sickness and torment in your body that you are enslaved to it? How is that freedom? How is it freedom if you are tormented in your mind and you have no peace? I said the tides are turning. I said a storm is barreling down in unprecedented ways and with unprecedented force— My power against your enemies.
I said I would restore your nations, and I will. But I am not going to leave out your healing. I am not going to leave out the restoration of your family, and I am not going to leave out the restoration of your mind.
My people have been tormented and tortured in every way possible. I have heard My children cry out for deliverance, but some are just hoping. They do not even believe that I can or that I will. My children, get to know Who I am. I will not leave you in the situations or the conditions that your lives are in right now.
I have said in My Word that I am your Shepherd, and you shall not lack. As I give you back what belongs to you, I will not leave anything out. And you should not either.
Some people just want their healing; forget the finances. But I want you to have both. Some people have said just take away the pain, but you still have loved ones that are lost. So many people are missing so many pieces of their life. They are broken. Hearts are broken.
But I am the God that restores. I have said in My Word to come boldly to the throne and sit at My feet. Let Me show you how much I love you.
Most people want this political reset that I promised, and it will be done. But why aren’t more people crying out for full restoration? I did it in Goshen before they left, and I want to do it again for you. I want to do it for you. I want to do it on a world scale. I want to do it where no one will deny that I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am the one, true God. I am still the God of miracles. I still am the God Who showers My love upon My people. I am still that God, and I am still a loving Father. When you cry out to Me, and you (speak) My Word back to Me, those answers are yes and Amen—so be it.
I am faithful to perform My Word. Speak My Words, and I will perform them. Take out the words that your enemy has put in your mouth—destruction, chaos, sickness, disease, torment, lack, and poverty. Stop speaking what you have. Continue to speak what I have already done for you.
You may not see it yet, but I promise you that the more you speak My Words, (the more) My angels hearken diligently to those Words. I will not fail. So let Me work in you, every one of you. Let Me turn that hopelessness into great hope. Let Me turn that fear into great faith. Let Me turn the tides in your life. All those things that the enemy meant to destroy you with, I am (using to) make you stronger.
You will see there is an end to your enemy. You will see there is an end to their ruling and reigning. You will see this because I have guaranteed you this victory. I have guaranteed that My power is moving across this land in this hour. I told you I would fill the Earth with My Glory just like I filled the Earth with water in the days of Noah to rid the Earth of the dark, evil wickedness that is trying to swallow it up.
I did it before. I will do it again, but this time My Glory will destroy the wickedness. My Glory will destroy the sickness. My Glory will destroy the bondage and slavery your enemies have kept you in.
So, wield the sword of truth and stop the lies and the theft. The enemy is stealing from you. Speak My Words. I will perform them. I will show you that I am still the Great I AM, that I am still alive, very much alive.
The enemies are going to know it, and so are My people. My Church, rise up! Rise up and take back what is rightfully yours. Let Me show you how much I love you. Let Me prove to you how good I am and how much goodness I have for you.
Remember, keep declaring no lack, and you will see there is no lack with Me, says the Lord.