“Right now GROSS CORRUPTION is being UNCOVERED but, soon, DEEP and DEPRAVED DARKNESS will be EXPOSED. The DEPTH of WICKEDNESS in the hearts of the arrogant elite will SHOCK and SICKEN the people of the world. It will SHAKE AWAKE those who were DECEIVED by the SMOOTH WORDS and the LYING MASKS of goodness that those evil ones wore. It will bring DEEP CONVICTION and the FEAR of the LORD to those who have been ENSNARED by the PURPOSEFUL DARK SNARES the elite SOWED into those seeking COMFORTERS and RELIEF from the ANXIETY plaguing a nation that no longer KNEW Me. SUDDENLY, they will SEE the DARK and SLIPPERY SLOPE they are on, and they will CRY OUT to be SET FREE. My Remnant, you have the ANSWERS for those caught in ADDICTION to FALSE COMFORTERS that end up ENSLAVING people and DESTROYING lives and families. The POWER of My Son’s BLOOD can set any captive FREE, and His LOVE can MEND any broken life and SATISFY the longing of every human heart to be KNOWN and VALUED. I will SWEEP AWAY those partnered with DEEP DARKNESS, and I will bring in a HARVEST from the BROKEN, ADDICTED, and EMPTY LIVES. I AM not just GETTING RID of GROSS EVIL, I AM REPLACING the deep darkness with My BEAUTIFUL and ABUNDANT KINGDOM AGE. Those partnered with evil will GRIND THEIR TEETH when they are DETHRONED and brought LOW, as they WATCH those they had ENTICED and DECEIVED RISE UP in the LOVE, the LIFE, and the BLESSING of My GOLDEN ERA. This is My SURE promise to you: DARKNESS WILL BE DEPOSED AND MY LIGHT WILL BE RAISED UP.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal