I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, your enemies are being forced to forfeit their alliance with one another out of desperation to save themselves. Many are giving up the secrets, plans, and proof needed to completely dismantle the intelligence community and its power, which has kept the establishment functioning and protected so that it can continue to grow and have more control over the nations.
(There is) a massive beehive system in the FBI and the CIA to protect the deepest, darkest secrets that (if revealed) would destroy their system in such a way they could never rebuild their first line of defense or recover from the damage that would be done to it.
With the dismantling of the beehive in the intelligence community, I will show you the boss, the queen bee, that has controlled the hive, how it had to function, and the lengths it took to save itself from annihilation.
My children, your government’s darkest secrets are hidden in places where your enemies truly believe no one can ever find them, but My infiltrators have broken through their beehive of secrets. They have been dismantling and sabotaging their system and their plans right under their noses while they were completely unaware.
A civil war is brewing in the FBI. Many agents have been caught destroying evidence in numerous cases to protect the innermost circle of the government and the globalists that control it.
Whistleblowers behind the scenes have proof of the FBI’s involvement in countless attacks against this Nation, your freedoms, your elections, and the truth (to keep it) from coming out because it would destroy the establishment’s plans. (They have proof of) massive cover-ups of the destruction and sabotage of their political opponents or anyone else who threatened their agency and the establishment—any person would be crushed under the strength of the FBI. Explosive reports will come out proving the FBI has been a threat to this Nation in many ways.
Former FBI directors will be exposed and judged in front of the world, and I will show you who these directors actually answered to, and it was not the president.
James Comey will fall. Christopher Wray will fall. Mueller will fall. And everyone before them who took dark treasonous actions against this Nation will also be judged by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.
A great shaking is coming to the FBI—a shaking that no one against Me in the bureau is prepared for. There have been double agent infiltrators who looked and acted the parts so well the establishment and the bureau had no idea I had sent them there to dismantle their agency and root out every criminal.
My children, this shaking will rock the Nation because of how deeply embedded this agency has been with many sinister things against this country and innocent victims.
I will show you the true architect of the Mueller report, its complete blueprint, and how everything was played out to destroy President Trump and to also keep this Nation from finding out who has been really running the Nation.
I will show you every person who helped to destroy the evidence of Hillary’s involvement in destroying Trump’s credibility and the legitimacy of his presidency and sabotaging his campaign.
The establishment’s precious puppet, Hillary Clinton, was guaranteed to win the 2016 election, so every crime she took part in had to be deflected from and all evidence eliminated. The Deep State needed a distraction, so a great smear campaign began to distract from the truth of who was really interfering in these elections.
A smoking gun is coming that no one can deny or distract from. It will destroy any credibility the FBI, the CIA, or the NSA have with this Nation.
A massive truth bomb will be released. It will bring great devastation to the establishment. Hold on and do not be discouraged by having to wait for some evidence to come out. More findings are being made, and the big fish are being reeled in.
The intelligence community is being cleaned out by Me, and it will never again have the control it once had over this Nation, says the Lord of Hosts.
Harbinger: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Merrick Garland is about to be another fall guy for the establishment. Bombshell reports are coming about how much he was involved in regarding the indictments against President Trump, the assassination attempts, and their cover-ups.
Breaking reports will come out about how much the FBI was involved in Butler, who worked with Thomas Crooks, who trained him, and who was helping him that day.
My children, it is all coming out. Every stone will be turned over, and the criminals in your government will be arrested for their crimes against this Nation. My vengeance is coming to dismantle the entire establishment, says the Lord of Hosts.