“My heart has heard the many SILENT CRIES of those who have not received JUSTICE in your nation. These VOICELESS ones GROAN for someone to PLEAD THEIR CASE and to bring them JUSTICE. Some are so young that they don’t even have WORDS to express what has been done to them. Some older ones tried to SPEAK, but they were HUSHED and SILENCED by SHAME, FEAR, and ACCUSATION. Some have tried to forget what was done to them, but the VIOLATION comes back to them in dreams, and their souls are BRUISED again. These VOICELESS ones carry PAIN in their eyes and SILENT SORROW in their hearts. Must they carry this INNER TORMENT for the rest of their lives? Will no one SPEAK UP for them and bring them the JUSTICE that they long for? Where is My Church who should be the SUPPORT and PILLAR of TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE? Oh, they are too busy PROPPING UP their CORRUPTED LEADERS who have become IDOLS to them and trying to PRESERVE big buildings and IMPRESSIVE MINISTRIES. These UNREPENTANT leaders and MANMADE ministries ARE NOT PART OF MY KINGDOM. Don’t you understand that My HEART IS FOR THE CHILDREN? They are your GREATEST TREASURE, but you have SQUANDERED them and SILENCED their INCONVENIENT VOICES—all so you can build a name for yourselves. I HEAR the SILENT CRIES of these TORMENTED HEARTS. I AM ARISING from My Throne of JUDGMENT, and I declare that I AM A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS. My voice will THUNDER out, and it will SHAKE OPEN ALL the HIDDEN ABUSE of the children. I will UNLOCK the VOICES OF THE VOICELESS, their stories will be heard, and their abusers will be EXPOSED. I will bring them JUSTICE, and no one will stand in My way. Will you join Me, My Army of Light? Will you be a VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS? Will you DECLARE EXPOSURE of all the abusers? Will you RAISE your voice and DEMAND JUSTICE for the VOICELESS? No more will My Church be a HIDEOUT and PROTECTOR of abusers. It is ALL going to be UNCOVERED and EXPOSED everywhere in your society that My children are being CONSUMED by the dark powers working through SELFISH LUSTS of people. Call for My LIGHT of TRUTH to SHINE into all the dark places, for My children to be RESCUED, and for RESTORATION and JUSTICE to be released in fullness. Join Me in being A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS.”
PROVERBS 31:8, 9 (NLT) “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal