But the Lord spoke to me at 8.45 a.m. and he said so clear, Dr. Emanuel. He said, it’s time for elevation. Glory to God.
And he was talking to me personally. He was talking to the body of Christ. He’s talking to all of us locally, corporately, internationally across America, all the different nations of the earth.He’s talking to you, man and woman of God. He’s talking to you, his faithful ones. It is time for elevation.
Glory to God. So today, today’s date, it’s crazy that this is the day that we were going to be broadcasting. But he spoke this morning, 8.45 a.m., today’s date, March the 18th, 2025.And he said, it’s time for elevation. For the time of elevation has come. You have stood and you have prevailed.
You have prevailed in your faith. To the moment now of elevation in me, I feel the anointing falling right now. Father, let the people’s ears be in tune now and anointed to hear your voice in the mighty name of Jesus.
I give you praise. He said, for the time of elevation has come. You have stood and you have prevailed in your faith.
To the moment of now, the moment of now, this moment of elevating in me, I shift all things now in your lives, declares the Lord. For the hour of ascension has come. Where there has been difficulties and delay, I will now cause there to be a release and a forward momentum in your lives, a forward momentum in your life and your destiny pursuit.
For I am recalibrating and I am repositioning you, my people, to the synchronized sphere of authority in me that is needed for your elevation and that I have ordained for you. All things change now, all things move, all things shall shift. My hand is moving strategically, declares the Lord, in all things to bring forth my kingdom dimensions and agenda into your present realm, to bring you into your authority and your position that I have allotted in me.
I shift the church now. I shift the old cookie cutter molds. I am removing old patterns, old agendas.
I am removing old mindsets. I am changing paradigms. I am going to shift all things, declares the Lord.
I am moving my ecclesia into a realm of everything possible now, declares the Lord. Trust me in this ascension, listen and obey. For surely I am going to speak to you, hearken unto my spirit, hearken unto my voice and do as I command, do as I lead you to do.
For surely I am going to use you and I am going to do as I have said. For this is the hour to shift you and to bring you into the destined purpose that I have assigned for your lives. Yield to me and watch, declares the spirit of the Lord.
Watch and see what I do. Get ready for all things shall now shift. Your finances shall shift.
Your families, your businesses, your ministries. This is the hour for the release that I have promised to you, my faithful ones. Oh, my children, I say, get ready, stand and be attentive.
Have your hearts prepared and yielded to me, for I am doing a great thing. I am moving strategically across America and into the earth realm. I say you have stood and you have believed and now you shall see it come to pass, declares the Lord of Hosts.
Hallelujah! Glory to God!