“The arrogant elite have portrayed a FALSE FACE to the world. They present themselves as the SOURCE OF TRUTH, as KEEPERS of DEMOCRACY, and as PHILANTHROPISTS whose generosity helps those in great need. In REALITY, their darkened hearts do NONE OF THESE. When the FACADE they hide behind is SUDDENLY BROKEN OFF, the world will JOLT AWAKE with HORROR at how DECEIVED and GULLIBLE they have been. When that facade crashes down, the world will see the darkened hearts and lives of LIARS, TRAITORS, AND THIEVES. What has caused the Church to be so BLIND to such HIDDEN DEPRAVITY? My people are meant to be the LIGHT of the world, the CITY set on a HILL so that the LIGHT of My TRUTH would SHINE into EVERY area of life. What caused the Church’s LIGHT to GROW DIM and their voices to be WEAK and IRRELEVANT? The enemy took advantage of some dark seasons in the last 100 years to SOW A FALSE COMFORT DOCTRINE into the Church. That is the belief that My Son is coming soon to snatch the Church away to Heaven out of all the darkness and evil. This ESCAPE MENTALITY DISARMS and DISEMPOWERS them from WAGING the VICTORIOUS WARFARE they were designed for. My Son is NOT an ESCAPE ARTIST—He is a VICTORIOUS KING! I have given Him the NATIONS of the world as His INHERITANCE. His KINGDOM has NO LIMITS, and it will continue to EXPAND FOREVER. The Church will recognize and no longer be FOOLED by LIARS, TRAITORS, AND THIEVES when they AWAKEN to who they are. You are not VICTIMS OF DARKNESS; you are VICTORS CALLED TO RULE AND REIGN over the darkness with the LIGHT that is within you. Army of Light, take heart because OPERATION WAKE-UP has been launched. Many are about to be RUDELY AWAKENED to the WRONG FOCUS they’ve embraced, and they will join you in SHINING My LIGHT on the LIARS, TRAITORS, AND THIEVES. Spoiler alert—WE WIN!”