The Spirit of the Lord is moving throughout MY Earth – moving and shaking and tugging on people’s hearts. Yes, MY Beautiful Holy Spirit is moving in the life of the loved one you have been praying for. Expect results from your prayers. Expect salvation, expect freedom, expect restoration, expect your prayers answered. I AM a good Father and I love you. I answer all prayers. The answers vary but are always in perfect line with what is best for you and remember that all things work together for you because I love you.
So, sit tight MY Child. You have been waiting and hoping and praying and sometimes fretting and worrying. I’ve got your prayers, and I have you, MY Beautiful Child. I love you and I will not let one little stone go unturned in your life that I AM not on top of. Trust ME and praise and thank ME.
So, what should Trump do about the liberal judges? They will be overturned in the Supreme Court, but what to do about them now? Much money is being spent on lawsuits with the liberal judges not upholding the law and ruling in favor of the blue state. Many of these liberal judges are going to face impeachment proceedings against them and be pressured to resign. Many of the liberal judges are tied to the NGO’s acting as a fiduciary agent collecting a stipend which makes them have a conflict of interest with the cases they are deciding. That is unfair and illegal. Corruption is running through the Justice Branch of the Government. The Judges are to be trusted, neutral, without bias and not be paid off. Relationships with NGO’s and members of Congress have corrupted many of MY Judges throughout the land. They have chased the fancy and the high-life and like much of Congress have submitted to the lure of money, big toys and larger houses. Repent, I say repent. Your robes will not cover your sins when you face ME. I AM the Great I AM and there is no one like ME. I know all and I see all. MY Judges are held at an ever higher standard as they swore multiple times on MY Holy Bible to uphold the Constitution and to be truthful and fair and just.
The eyes of the Lord run to and fro and I see all. Repent now, I say and uphold your oath and revisit and right what you have wronged.
Fani, you have more trouble coming. Fani, I love you and you without mercy went after MY Donald to uplift your career and for money. Money you spent on your boyfriend and lavish vacations. Repent Fani and come to Me. Let ME help you. Turn away and admit you’re wrong before you lose all that I have put in your life. You are embarrassing to your community and your family. Turn from the deception and the lies and own up to what you did and how it happened. Tell all Fani (Willis) or it will be told by others in front of your face in a court of law.
My Passover Feast is coming. I want you all to read about MY Passover in the Book of Exodus. MY Passover started with Moses and My Beautiful; Precious Son Yeshua fulfilled it. Celebrate MY Passover and honor MY Lamb of God, MY Son Jesus, who paid the price for your sins. Celebrate MY Son and talk to your family about MY Passover and remember that it is only MY Son’s Blood that can atone for all of your sins.
MY Eclipse is coming and much more in the heavenlies. Look for it and enjoy.
I love you,