ISAIAH 25:1 (AMP) “O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise and give thanks to Your name; for You have done miraculous things, plans formed long, long ago, (fulfilled) with perfect faithfulness.”

“The EXPOSURES you have prayed for are here. They are HIDDEN behind a curtain and when that curtain is opened, the CORRUPTION and PERVERSION will be SHOWCASED before the world. But, you ask, ‘What is the DELAY? Why haven’t these EXPOSURES seen the LIGHT of day?’ Consider that it is NOT the darkness that is STOPPING the exposures. What if it is My HAND COVERING THEM UP and WAITING for just the RIGHT moment to LIFT the CURTAIN on evil? My PLANS for the RESCUE of your nation were FORMED LONG AGO out of My WISDOM and My FAITHFULNESS. Instead of getting FRUSTRATED that things aren’t going according to your TIMELINE, align your HEART and your HOPES FIRMLY in My PLANS FORMED LONG AGO out of My BRILLIANCE and My FAITHFULNESS. When you INSIST on YOUR TIMELINE and it doesn’t come to pass, it causes you FRUSTRATION, DISAPPOINTMENT, and DEPRESSION. Don’t THROW AWAY YOUR HOPE FOR A GOOD FUTURE because it will SURELY COME AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME because this was a PLAN FORMED LONG AGO. Your enemies have caused you so much FEAR, ANXIETY, and LOSS over the years. Now, I AM making them SWEAT every time it is announced that EXPOSURES will come out, and they are on a ROLLER COASTER of emotions that will BREAK their strength and BURN them up. The roller coaster is meant for them and NOT FOR YOU. Watch them SWEAT, as you ABIDE in My PEACE. Remain STEADY with My STRENGTH and realize that the EXPOSURES will be released at the PERFECT TIME to do MAXIMUM DAMAGE, and it will BRING DOWN and DESTROY the evil empire. Trust in My faithfulness and My PLANS FORMED LONG AGO.”

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal