“You are now in the phase where so much EVIL and CORRUPTION is being UNCOVERED—even in My Church—that it can bring about feelings of MOURNING and even DEPRESSION. For many of you it’s a LOSS of INNOCENCE because people and systems you depended on have FAILED you, and you wonder how you could have been so BLIND. This is part of the RUDE AWAKENING that the whole world needs to go through. I AM having My Remnant PROCESS IT FIRST so that you can HELP those who come after you. It’s important to process losses that are happening as evil is exposed but don’t get STUCK in the GRIEVING PROCESS. I have MADE A WAY for you to go through this Rude Awakening and that is My PRESENCE, My PROMISES, and My PEACE. First, come to Me and allow Me to draw you into My PRESENCE—into My heart—because I know what you are processing, and I will bring you through the grieving process with My COMFORT, STRENGTH, and LOVE. Then, receive My PROMISES that I have been giving you over these last years. I will be with you through all the EXPOSURES, all the CLEAN UP, and all the season of REBUILDING and RENEWING. I mean it when I tell you that THE BEST IS YET TO COME. As you are HEALED in My PRESENCE and your heart receives My PROMISES, enter into My DEEP and ABIDING PEACE. My PEACE is your STRENGTH and your REST, and it will carry you through to the PROMISED future of the Kingdom Age. Remember My PRESENCE, My PROMISES, and My PEACE.”

Diana Larkin