“The evil empire is LOSING and so they grow more DESPERATE with each day. The EXPOSURES and the THREAT of EXPOSURES of all their SECRET, GREEDY, and PERVERTED lives are the DARK CLOUDS obscuring their future. These dark clouds are My STORM brewing against them and soon you will see My THUNDER FREQUENCIES SHAKE OPEN all the hiding places of the EVIDENCE that will PROVE how EVIL and CORRUPT they have been. My LIGHTNINGS will HIGHLIGHT all those who have SOLD themselves to do EVIL. The FALSE MEDIA will not have enough TIME or enough REPORTERS to try and COVER UP the FLOOD of CORRUPTION that is coming from My STORM. The darkness is FRANTICALLY trying to release their own STORM that will DISTRACT people from the EXPOSURES, that will seek to VILIFY those UNCOVERING TRUTH, and that will cause CHAOS and FEAR. Don’t buy into their STORM and don’t get CAPTURED by FEAR. Whose STORM is STRONGER? Am I not the God who brings LIFE out of DEATH? Have I not SWALLOWED UP DEATH in RESURRECTION VICTORY? I can STILL their STORM with a single word. When the time is right, I will ARISE and STRETCH OUT My strong right arm and declare, ‘PEACE!’ ‘BE STILL!’ Their STORM will SHRINK and DISAPPEAR, and you will see them NO MORE. Their STRIDENT, MOCKING, HYPOCRITICAL, LYING VOICES will FALL SILENT, and PEACE and TRUTH will blow in over your land as My STORM gives way to the blue skies of STILLNESS and FULFILLED PROMISES. Come and see things from My perspective. RIDE OUT THE STORM WITH ME.”
NAHUM 1:3 (TPT) “Yahweh is very slow to anger but so great in power, Yahweh will not let the guilty go unpunished. He marches out in the whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.”