Soros is a man whose life’s mission is to own the world and to be in total control of everyone.  His money is vast and has given him the luxury freedom of doing as He chooses.  He has a team working for him that believe in his global agenda and without ME holding George back – the mission would have already been complete.  He believes he is right and through riots, slander, assault and deception. 

George has whittled away at controlling the world.  But his days will run out soon and his son will continue his crusade.  Yes, he paid Antifa, yes he was involved in January 6th and the list goes on – of events, tragic events that he has funded that cost lives and people going to prison.  But like the Pharisees that gave Judas the silver, George does not feed responsible because he is merely financiers.  So he thinks he can wash his hands of it all like Pilate.  Pray for George and all of the Soros family.  They have caused many problems in MY World and to MY People, but I still love George.  Pray for him again.  We love George as WE loved Judas but he choose not to repent and sealed his own fate.

The tariffs are going to make the US very, very rich.  This land shall be the most prosperous of all.  I AM restoring the USA to the greatest, superpower nation of all time.  And as I cancel the debts of MY Dear Precious Children, I AM going to cancel the debts of the USA.  The USA will be debt-free very, very soon – wait and see!  The tariffs will work and you, MY Child, will not feel it and you will be fine.  I have promised that you will be debt-free and prosperous.  MY Land that I love – the USA – MY Eagle – MY Protector of Israel – the nation that spreads MY Son’s Gospel to the ends of the earth.  MY USA will be debt-free.  Wait and see.  Debt cancellation is not just for people, it is for nations as well.  Yes, nations.  I AM setting the captives free.  The war mongers and greedy evil ones enslaved MY Beautiful USA and it’s people and you will be free!  Yes, free from debt and bondage – free indeed!  Just wait and see!

I will restore order and decorum to MY Government Houses.  No more smoke bombs and outbursts and disrespect of leadership.  MY Government leaders – whether elected or appointed should behave as ladies and gentlemen and work out their differences in negotiation and compromise.  Acting like cry babies and roque teenagers is an embarrassment to themselves and to the assembly.  I AM calling them out and will not tolerate this disrespectful behavior in any of MY Governments in MY Earth.  Those that have chosen this path of rude and obnoxious behavior will soon be gone and be like dust in the wind and only a memory-fading away.  No more, I say no more.

Did you not think that MY Trump gave an outstanding speech to the nation?  He is a man of honor, and he prays to ME.  He seeks MY Wisdom and guidance, and he loves MY Son.  He gives ME the Glory for sparing his life and he knows I have mandated him for this mission to save MY US and the people from the evil swamp ones.

Today is your day.  Be like MY Girl and declare that everyday is a great day.  You only have today once and make it count.  Do not fear today or tomorrow.  Look up with faith and see the good.  Have faith for the possible and faith for what seems the impossible.

For those with an Ananias and Sapphira spirit, I command you to repent now.  Lying to MY Holy Spirit costs them their lives.  Using MY Son’s Gospel for your personal wealth and not having a heart for people is wrong.  Repent and get out of ministry before it is too late.  Do not do “Christian” work without a heart for MY Son and His people.  Let ME give you the path you should be on if you came to this to promote yourself or your wallet.  You know who you are and first know that I love you.  Repent and turn from this evil.  Ananias and Sapphira paid a huge price.  Don’t follow their footsteps.  I love you and have another path for you.  Come to see ME right now.

Did you look at at MY Planets or MY Beautiful Flowers today? Have you hugged a child or a loved one given them your time?  Slow down MY Children and soak in MY World and the people in your life.  Love on them and admire the beauty of MY Earth.  MY Earth is a taste of Your Home called Heaven.  Remember most of all – WE love you and will never leave you or forsake you.

~Adonai, Jesus and the Holy Spirit