Just being honest before the Lord, I’m like, God, it’s, it’s a, it’s a time right now where we need you just like the people do. And I was up, like I said, till 3 a.m. last night, praying for you, lifting you up and asking God to minister to you. And so, you know, yesterday afternoon, it was 1 11 in the afternoon and I was praying and I, I was asking God to, to speak and to encourage me.

And he did that. And this is the word that he gave me, 1 11 on 3 15 25. He said, I said, stand and see, son, I said, stand and see.

Now tell my people. Tell my people to stand and see. My children, hear your father this day, I have stated to stand and see me move.

As I hear you cry out, but Lord, you said, I address your cries this day. And again, I reiterate my hand. My hand is moving.

When I speak, I move. When I speak, I move. He said, tell the people my hand is moving.When I speak, I move. And I do, as I’ve said, and I, I do, as I’ve said, I say what I will do. You operate in a time and a space that is set in the earth realm.

Yet I operate in eternity. Though it is difficult for you to comprehend this. Now he’s just having a discussion with me now.

He’s, he’s talking to me so I can tell you. So it’s like we’re sitting down with the father right now at a, at a table, at a discussion. Come on.And he’s just laying it out there and he’s just sharing. This isn’t some, whoa, religious tone. I heard him talk to me.

Like I’m telling you right now. He said, you operate. He’s trying to help us to understand.

You operate in a time and a space that is set in the earth realm. Yet I operate in eternity. Though it is difficult for you to comprehend this.I say this day stand and watch me move. For I am in your past. I am in your present.

And I am in your future. I know all because I am. But I stand with you in your present.

And I push you to your destiny and your purpose that I’ve established for you in your future. For I am the first and I am the last. I am the beginning and I am the end.

I established all things from past, present, and future. I am alpha and I am omega. I see and I know all.

I understand your needs in this hour. I see your hearts and your love and your worship towards me. I see your honor and your obedience to do as I have instructed you to do.I see the warfare that you have faced. And the pressing of the enemy coming against you currently. But I say to you hear me.I am moving. Yet you continue. But God you said.

I hear you my children. Yes I said I will do what I have said and more. As you remind me of my promises and give me thanks and praise.I move. I am releasing to you more than enough. Time has been a necessity to bring you the place of being ready and matured in development and character and integrity to facilitate what I give to you.

Time was needed in preparation. I have said to prepare. How many times have I told you to prepare and to get ready? And many of you have done this.You have done as I have requested. And now you are ready to see my great deliverance. So I say stand and see the salvation of your God.

For I am moving and I am working on your behalf. There is much behind the scenes that you do not know. Nor do you see.This is for me to work out for you. But Lord you said. Yes my children I did.

And I will do all and more that I have spoken. For I am not a God that lies. I am a promise keeper.Though man speaks and does not follow up nor fulfill their promises given. I am opposite of man.

If I speak I will do it.For there are no lies in me. I am truth. I am a promise keeper.

I have made covenant with you and my vow is true. I make a way where there seems to be no way.

I establish in and through you.For the purpose of my kingdom being manifest in the earth. So souls of man are brought to me.

This is the time I say.

This is the time that the legacy shall be established in the earth round for me. This is the time that I will establish you my people. And you will be established in and solidified.

With more than enough to do what you need to do with the tools. So that you can bless your family and bless a people. And lead them to me.

Oh my people stand and watch me move. Stand and see the great breakthrough and the triumph of your God as I deliver you out of it all. For I shall enlarge your territory and bring you increase.I have said it now believe and see me do it. This day I speak to you directly. I know your hearts and I know your questions that you have for me.

But I say to you trust me and believe. Have faith and know that my word is my bond. And covenant that I have made with you is sure.Greatness shall be your reward in me. Come to me and give me all. Trust me with all of your being and do not doubt.

Have faith again trust me stand believe remain steadfast and unmovable. Like the tree planted by the water brooks I say come to me on a daily basis. Search me out long for me as the deer psalms 42 longs after the water I say long after me.

Believe in your God and watch my hand move. For the hour is nigh for all promises the manifestation and the rewards that I have spoken of. It surely comes.I have not spoken amiss. Neither has my prophet spoke amiss. I have said it and I will do it.

Just because it has not come to pass does not mean that it is a false word. Time is of the essence. Preparation is needed.I facilitate all things. I say stand and believe. Trust me.

Do not doubt. Praise me. Give me glory.Honor me. Thank me in advance for what I am doing. For the hour surely is nigh.The promises and the rewards I’ve spoken of surely comes. Trust me now and believe I say again.

For I am moving and the great release comes just as I have spoken it.Declares your father in heaven.