My children, your enemies are in such a state of disarray, dysfunction, and dismay with much panic and fear. They have turned on each other even more in these days. 

Disruption and chaos are overwhelming the enemies’ camp. Betrayal is beginning to consume them. Nothing is working, and the ones they used to turn to for leadership and instructions are either abandoning ship or are now irrelevant to their cause and agenda because they failed the establishment by not keeping President Trump from the White House. 

Now, all their secrets are in danger of being exposed and their money being drained. They are hemorrhaging everywhere they turn—money, people, their lines of communication, and their secrets. They do not have any way to protect themselves like they used to. 

Their servers have been hacked. Honey holes are being siphoned. And DOGE is getting too close to the heart and the main artery of the establishment’s power. 

Wall Street, the IRS, ActBlue, the big banks, Silicon Valley, the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Ukraine, and the WEF are losing the intelligence community, their first line of defense. Everywhere they turn, there are fires and devastation with their secrets and their system that has kept them alive and in power. But trap after trap was set, and your enemies have fallen for all of them. 

They enacted their judges to stop President Trump, to delay, and to sabotage every way they can. But every way your enemies have tried to sabotage My David was a trap that they will not get out of. They are stuck, and they are sinking rapidly in the quicksand of lies and manipulation. 

Judges will fall. Judges will be disbarred. And judges will be tried for treason. Woe to the judges of this land—I am coming for you. You have been paid by the enemies to disrupt and delay the truth or destroy it. Your padded pockets will tell the real story of who owns you and who your alliance is really with. 

To the judges in the Land of My Eagle against Me and this Nation: your time to rule and sentence is over. I am the Judge over all the Earth. And My gavel is coming down to bring true justice to this land once again. 

The time of a great shaking is coming to the judicial system, and there will be a great change with every DOJ, lawyer, prosecutor, and AG who is against Me. They will flee. I will remove them from their powerful positions in unprecedented ways. This part of the establishment is being annihilated from this land by My outstretched Hand. 

My children, hold on for the fight for justice in this land. It will become clear that the end of your enemies is near—you will see one judge after another, one DOJ (employee) after another end. You will see a collapse of their rulings and of the hold they had through changing laws to protect the establishment. Their time of manipulating and controlling the justice system is over, says the Lord. 

Watch the fall of Letitia James. The truth about who set her up to go after President Trump is coming. Follow the money and find the truth. Explosive evidence is coming out that will dismantle every fake indictment against My David, and true justice will be served. Look for who paid Leticia, and you will find more evidence and truth. You will find the architects who made up all these fake court cases and charges against him. Leticia, you will be removed by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Jack Smith: you thought you were sly. You thought you had the protection of the establishment. You thought they would never abandon you. What you thought was wrong. I have infiltrated your camp; they know where your orders came from. They have every blueprint and all your instructions to go after My David with every form of manipulation of the law that you possibly can. But everything you were paid to do and all the blackmail they have on you will come back and hit you in unprecedented ways. Your exposure and fall will be explosive. 

Nothing will stop what is coming for you, which is true justice and My judgment. You cannot hide from Me. Jack Smith, you are about to reap what you have sown. You wanted indictments, and now they are coming against you. But these indictments are true, and they will stick. Your protection is gone and so is everything you hold dear because My Hand is moving against you. You will never see it coming, and even if you could, you have no power to stop My Hand against you, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Alvin Bragg: you are a puppet. You are a weasel. Your ties and the lies you were told to tell the public will all come out in explosive ways. You will also be removed from where you are. The ones who paid you are letting you go to save themselves. Alvin Bragg, you are being judged by Me. Your sentence will be handed down. You are guilty, and justice will be served by Me, says the Lord. 

My children, the judicial system that has been controlled underground with their secret servers and their lines of communication has been cut. Every architect and every blueprint (that was used) to weasel their way around the Constitution to protect the establishment at all costs has been found. Secret emails and instructions—I have it all, and justice will again return to this land. 

I am the God that promised you removals and that justice would be served. Now you are at the time when you will see your enemies fall like never before, says the Lord your Redeemer.