Woe to those in the establishment who think Epstein, the evidence, and the list of who was part of this are safe under your protection. You thought you covered all your tracks so no one could find out the truth about that evil sex system you had in place that the American taxpayer actually paid for—your sick perversions and your system. 

You really thought this system was under the radar. You will all be implicated—including Hollywood’s connection and how important it is, how the intelligence community decides and protects how things run and operate, and the heinous acts you did against the innocent. It will all be put on public display (to show) who everyone is and how massively dark and heinous this system truly is. 

Epstein was a fall guy for the establishment. He was not the leader. He was a minion for the architects and globalists. They chose him to fall to save the big fish who really controls this dark underworld. 

Oh, My United States, there are many sick and vile bureaucrats in your government who have preyed on young, innocent children. There will be a great collapse of the dark sex industry called child sex trafficking. It will all be unearthed and annihilated—every place they hid children, every tunnel, the cargo ships, the shipping containers, and how they shipped children from one country to another. This underground system of perversion will be eradicated of every podophile, murderer, and rapist. Judgment will come in unprecedented ways to this evil system. And shock will come when you find out that funding came from you, oh United States—not only from the establishment in this Nation but also from nations throughout the world for this system to stay functioning. 

My children, don’t you see why violent shaking must take place to rid this evil out of your government, the entertainment industry, and the world? Actors and actresses will fall. Rappers and music artists of all kinds will fall. Directors and producers will fall. What you will find in production studios will make you scream with anger—how child actors were used, abused, manipulated, brainwashed, and controlled by the sick leaders of Hollywood. They destroyed the innocence of so many children and adults. This industry and system tried to take and destroy their souls so their victims would not fight back, so they could continue to use them and make enough money off them until they found their next victim. Oh, how the entertainment industry will fall for their crimes against children. 

Disney: your walls are caving in. The hold you had on this industry is falling. You are hemorrhaging finances everywhere you look because judgment has hit your sick company. Your tunnels will be invaded and cleaned out. Your fall has only just begun. Great exposure about Disney is coming, and it will also hit the rest of Hollywood, says the Lord of Hosts.  

My children, prepare to see politicians, judges, lawyers, CEOs, big names, and well-known people arrested and dragged out from places everywhere because the tides have turned, and vengeance is coming for those who have filled this Earth with such darkness and evil.  

Vindication is coming for the innocent—the ones your enemies tried to set up to take the fall for the guilty. So many people were set up to take the blame for many in Washington and Hollywood. To those who are truly innocent: your vindication will be unprecedented, and it is coming sooner than you think.  

My children, hold on. A violent shaking is coming to cleanse the Earth of the wicked who have tried to overtake it. I am moving against each one, to bring restoration so the world can experience the freedom that belongs to them, says the Lord your Redeemer.