It is finished.  The time is up, and past decisions have been made, deals made and pacts with the enemy.   Repent, I say repent and turn from your wicked ways – you evil ones turn now.  The shaking is upon you!  The shaking is upon you!  You are in the zone of urgent – the red zone. 

As in the days of Noah, the messenger was sent and told, and the evil ones did not repent and the flood came.  Noah and seven others were the only ones that I saved from the destruction of the flood.  The Great Flood made the Grand Canyon you know.  But My Science and what really happened instead of what they have told you is for another day.

Have you recognized the Nephilim?  They are in all seven mountains.  They are even in the mountain of religion, but they are especially dominant in the Mountains of Government and Entertainment.  The Nephilim are the evil ones.  They will not repent, and they have lured many of MY People into their cesspool of death, lies, destruction and have fallen for greed, lust, power and fame.

Look to ME and do not be deceived by the evil ones.  Let ME be your guide, your truth and your way.  MY Son Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life.  There is only one way to ME and that is through faith in MY Beautiful Son Jesus.  Come to US, all who are weary and WE will give you rest.  Be still and know ME. 

Your rest is coming when I move.  You will be amazed at how I orchestrate it all and you will be grateful and glad when it is over.

The day of the Shaking will be one of fear for many, but you MY Child who is seeking and wondering and want to know, I will never leave you nor forsake you and I AM always here with you.  Speak out against fear and be bold in your faith and in your trust in ME.

MY Children will not be harmed.  MY Lost Ones will not be harmed.  The Lost will be finding ME through MY Son.

You may have noticed that there are many more messages going around about the shaking.  The Great and Terrible Day.  This is all by MY Design as I AM sending the message out so that all of MY People will heed, hear and listen.

As I sent Jeremiah and MY Other Prophets like Jonah to warn the people and command them to repent, this is why I have raised up MY Prophets for this season.  I raised up a very diverse group of prophetic voices.  They all look different, speak different and hear from ME in their own way.  Each of them is unique as I handpicked them for you to find ones that appeal to you so that you, MY Beautiful Precious Child will hear what is on MY Heart and MY Message of Warning to MY Prophets and the world.

MY Prophetic Warnings are a gift of love from ME to you.  Do not be like Zedekiah and blow off MY Warning.  Jeremiah repeatedly told Zedekiah that the Chaldeans were coming and what would happen to him and his family.  Yet Zedekiah blew it all off and did not bend his knee to ME.  Don’t be like Zedekiah.  He paid a very, very high price for not heeding the Prophet Jeremiah.  Zedekiah’s sons were murdered in front of him, and then they put his eyes out and took him into captivity to Babylon as a prisoner.  In one day this all happened.

Do not question MY Sovereignty and what I can do in a day or that MY Prophets are talking to promote their YouTube channels.  MY Warnings are real, and the time is here.  Be in your war room.  Do a scan of yourself and your heart.  Let ME cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  Repent of your sins and turn away from any wicked in your life.  The Shaking will bring a great new day.  And this day will be welcomed, and you will no longer feel the oppression from the evil one. 

MY Children will have the peace of MY Beautiful Holy Spirit and MY Glory shall fill MY Earth.

O’ the Glory.  MY Beautiful Glory.  Look forward to the Glory.  You will never want to leave it or for MY Glory to go away. 

So be ready MY Children.  Take no offense today.  Live as MY Son has taught you.  Glory days are on the way, and you will bask in it very, very soon.

I love you,
