And I said, Lord, speak. And so that’s when he began to speak. And this was a really, it’s a different word, but, but it talks about his heart and it speaks about his, his assignment, his dream, his focus.

And what is that souls, souls? And so he began to speak and he said, tell my people that the time of gathering has begun and declares the Lord, for I am calling you into the harvest fields, declares the Lord for it is time to gather the harvest. Now this is God’s heart, ladies and gentlemen, this is not Brett Watson. This is the word of the Lord given to me, his heart to us, his corporate body.

Hear me. So he said, for I’m calling you into the harvest fields, declares the Lord. It is time to gather the harvest.

I call forth the laborers. He said, I have sent into the earth, my hosts with instructions to go and to touch those whom I can trust. Now there’s the key word right there, who I can trust to help me bring forth the harvest for I am searching and I am observing the hearts of my people to see their motives and the position of their hearts unto me.Will you yield to me? Will you yield to me so that I might refine you and prepare you for the new wine of my spirit? I say now is the time to look upon me and be mine. Now is the time to give all to me that might, that I might use you for the shift has come and my ways shall be manifest in the earth for I am doing a new thing even now declares the Lord. Listen closely to hear me as I speak.

Have your ears in tune to hear my directives and my heart so that you are synchronized with me and to my agenda. I say prepare, yes, prepare now for did I not say, now this is where he shifts again. He says, did I not say for the first quarter of this year, I would bring a shift and abreakthrough, breakthrough after breakthrough.

I say now hear me for you have entered into the third month now, three representing the Trinity, three representing us, the triune God. Watch as I shift your lives and show you my hand of deliverance declares the Lord, hallelujah. For the shift comes, I do it all for my harvest.So even with the shift of breakthrough and deliverance that he’s speaking of, even for the shift, it’s all about what? His harvest. I do all things together, the souls of men unto myself, and I will bless you and I will pour out the treasures of my hand to bless you so that you have the tools that you need to do what? To assist me in the harvest. I say, prepare now for the avalanche of blessings and a great deliverance.

Glory to God, man, I feel that anointing. I am eager to pour out upon you by my spirit so that you are a, are a blaze by my fire. Oh yes, I say, let me consume you with my holy fire for in one touch of my spirit and my fire, your lives will be changed forever.

For it is, it is time for all things that I have spoken to be manifested in the earth. It is time for that, that I have spoken to be manifest in and through you. I say the nations of the earth will experience me.

I say, watch now as I touch the hearts of men and women, I will touch humanity and they will see me. Hallelujah. Glory to God.I ask of you, can I count on you to assist me? Yes, Lord, you can. Can I account on you to assist me? He asks, it is time for harvesting and I call forth the laborers. The advancement of my kingdom is nigh upon you.

The time is now to gather glory to God for my faithfulness shall be shown as you have stood and believed and trusted in me and trusted in my words that I have spoken through my servants. I say, get ready now for I will release the blessings to assist with the harvesting. In other words, he’s giving us the tools to assist him in the harvesting of souls.

The deluge of my blessings now come, declares the Lord. You will be established. Your families will be blessed and you will have the resources that you need to build for me.

For it is time, prepare now for much shall now take place. Much shall manifest as I have spoken that it would be. It surely comes, prepare.He has said that so much in this word, prepare, open your hearts to me and yield so that I can use you. I say as I have spoken, surely it shall be. I am doing it.

I am doing it now. I love you and I call you to come unto me, declares your father in heaven.