Lift up your hand to this side of the page, or on this side of the page, I’m going to show you extreme victories ahead of you, I’m going to show you victories that the world said could never take place again, and I’m going to show you how when the Mideast tries to do what it’s doing, Israel will explode up over the top, and they will win and win huge, I’m going to show you how the Christians in this world, those who are called by my name, are going to win as high as Everest, as high as Mount Everest, they’re going to soar over their enemies, get ready to soar, get ready to soar, get ready to soar, through the open door, come on, get ready to soar, say get ready to soar, get ready to soar, through the open door, do not be afraid, and do not fear, do not fret, and do not let the world make you tremble, for this thing is not over yet, I told you I would make it and fix thismess for you, and I will, says the Lord, I will fix this whole thing for you, and by the time 26 comes along, you will see the year of the fix, I’m going to fix it for you, and then you begin to arm yourselves up in the spirit, begin to take my word, and build yourself up, because the fight’s coming in 2030, it’s going to happen in 2030, but you be on the front lines, you be able to call fire from heaven, you be able to do these things, says the Lord, and I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will show you a great sign in the earth, that things that start to shake will suddenly stop all at once in their tracks, things that start to tremble, earth that begins to tremble, volcanoes that begin to rupture will suddenly stop, things will begin to stop, for I have my hand upon it like a cup, says the Lord, and I will hold it down for you, just get ready, I’m getting ready for 2030, things are going to get real dirty, in 2030, it’s a time for you to shine, come on, in 2030, things are going to get real dirty, very dirty, but in 2030, it’s a time for the church to shine, come on, say, I’m going to shine, I’m going to shine, say, it’s my time, I’m going to shine, I’m going to shine, come on, say,I’m going to shine, I’m going to shine, shine, in 29, the church will shine, and everything will be just fine, in 29, in 29, the church will shine, in 29, things will be just fine, in 29, you’re going to show your might to the world, I’m going to raise the dead, I’m going to feed the hungry, I’m going to preach the gospel to the remote parts of the creation, in 29, 29, Israel’s foes will have their face in the dirt, in 29, but look to the U.S., says the Lord, in 2030, for in that year, things will get dirty, it’s going to be dirty, where it’s a last-ditch effort to fix things to be irreversible, but the Lord says, my church will shine in 29, and your light will be bright upon the fight, and your light will be shining upon the fight, so begin to shrug off flakiness, begin to shrug off sin, begin to shrug off things that so easily beset you, and weights that will drag you back again, begin to shrug it off, says the Lord, for I’m in the middle of fixing this mess, I said I would fix it, and I will fix it, but don’t you ever let it get in that shape again, I’m looking to the church, I’m looking to the church, to hold the ground, to the church, say that’s me, I’m looking to the church, that’s me, I’m looking to the church, to hold the ground, I’m going to bring unexpected help, says the Lord, I’m going to open the eyes of the crow, I’m going to open the mouth of the Navajo, I’m going to open the mind and governmental prowess of the Choctaw, I’m going to open the eyes and the hands and the legs to run, says the Lord, you’re going to see it, you’re going to see it, going to know it, going to experience it, do not think on this side of the page it will be like the other side, nay, this side is the side of might, it’s the side of power, the side of might, the side of power, it’s the side for the church’s finest hour, it’s the side, the side of the page.