Time is of the essence now and you wait for the shaking.  As you wait and wonder about the shaking, spend time with Me and MY Son Jesus.  Pray for the lost and pray for less destruction on Shaking Day.

The day of the Shaking will bring fear, confusion, bewilderment and a massive altar call.  Masses will be bowing their knees to ME and receiving MY Son Jesus.  The media will be out of control and there will be chaos in the world.  But, for you, MY Child, sit tight on this fateful day.  Be in your war room.  Spend time praying for loved ones and the lost.  Spend time praising ME and MY Son.  Spend time with the Precious Holy Spirit and let Him lead and guide your day.  Pray without ceasing.  Take time as directed by the Holy Spirit to call friends and family members to check on them.  Fret not.  Be anxious for nothing and trust US.  WE know where everyone is and WE will strengthen and protect you.  Go about your day as you would normal and as you feel led by the Holy Spirit.

Prepare meals, take care of your family and seek the Precious Holy Spirit’s guidance on whether to go out or stay put.  For those who must go out, cover yourself in MY Son’s Precious Blood and seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance on where to go and what to do.  Simply let the Holy Spirit lead you the whole day and then all the days of your life.

If you are not led to go out and can remain home, stay home.  There will be much going on.  Do not stay glued to the TV and the news on your phone the entire day.  Nothing wrong with looking at news updates; but, come sit with ME and Jesus throughout the day.  Pray for the people – peace, understanding, comfort and wisdom, discernment and knowledge of I AM a Good Father and this is from ME to Save MY Beautiful Children from the evil ones.  Pray the world sees MY Rescue Mission as truth and the mainstream media does not distort MY Mission of Love and Mercy.  Pray for those out and about and First Responders.  For MY First Responder Children, you will be much needed, and I will protect you.  I always know where you are.  You are always on MY Heart, and I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Don’t forget all that die on the Day of the Shaking will not be the evil ones.  There will be normal death on Shaking Day as any other day.  There will be death of some of MY Saints because of the shock of the Shaking Day.  All of MY Children are not aware and will not see this as from ME.  Some will be in fear and have a health event.  MY Saints will come home to ME and MY Son.  To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

So, rest in ME, MY Child.  Trust MY Heart and MY Hand.  I will not leave you nor forsake you and the Shaking Day is only a 24-hour day period.  Think of yesterday – 24 hours ago – how quickly that has passed.

It will be day like none other and one you will never forget and will talk about all the days of your life until you come home to heaven to be with ME and Jesus. 

So put up your rapture rugs and know it is not time.  There is much I must do before MY Son’s Bride comes home.  We love that you desire to be with US, and you look for MY Son’s Rapture, but there are lost children that must be found.  MY Son will leave the flock to bring back the one lost sheep.  He loves you all so.  We love you so and want none to perish.  Thus, our mission of Love and Mercy for all of Our Dear Children.  The Shaking is truly a Day of Love and Mercy to save the world from the evil ones, cleanse the world from the worst evil you can imagine, to set MY children free from slavery and bondage and to bring in the multi-billion soul harvest.

You think this is too much, MY Naysayers and MY Doubters.  Wait and see.  I AM the Great I AM.  There is nothing impossible for ME and I AM going to demonstrate MY Might and MY Power in MY Earth.  I AM tired of the evil ones, and I have given MY evil people ample opportunity to turn from their evil ways.  Some have and WE are working with them to get back on the straight and narrow pathway.  But for those that have not repented and turned, they have hearts of stone – pitch black.  They will never turn and repent and the time is up.

So, fear not MY Child.  You have received your instruction.  Some may have power and others will not.  Some phones will work, and others will not.  These are short-term temporary problems.  So, fear not.  You do not need to stockpile as you already have.  Make no additional preparations, but to spend time in prayer with ME.  Let MY Holy Spirit be your guide and be MY Servant as you are led through your work, your phone calls and your love.

Now today is a fresh new day.  MY Flowers are coming out and MY Bumble Bees too.  My Birds are nesting.  Enjoy this day and be like MY Sparrow.  I take care of him too.  Just trust ME.

I love you,
