In the year of the open gate and God is speaking expressly to the prophets about this Rosh Hashanah year that it is now time for the saints of God to be positioned at the gate the Lord says your days ofAaron and her holding up your hands are over and I am replacing what has previously been human labor with systems and structures that can redeem time and last longer if you remember the story well Joshua was in the battlefield against Amalek and Moses held up his hands and as long as Moses held up his hands the scripture lets us know that the children of Israel under Joshua were winning the battle but Moses hands got tired and when his hands got tired the children of Israel under Joshua lost the battle Aaron and her came along and lifted up their hands and then they realized that the system they were working with was not sustainable because then who’s gonna hold up their hands so they found some rocks placed it under the left arm and right arm of Moses and he was sustained to lift up his hands for the rest of the battle the Lord says you’re going to need physical stamina and you’re going to need spiritual stamina for what is coming and the enemy’s trying to wear you out in the battlefield in the natural and he’s trying to wear you out in the battlefield in the Supernatural as well so whats the Lord saying Im going to put rocklike structures underneath your arms to replace human effort so that you can redeem both for your spiritual strength Moses and your physical strength to the Joshuas the Lord says the days are accelerating and so I need my people to be willing to redeem time effectively I must now raise up an Issachar generation that know what time it is know what nations ought to do but also know that time is running out this generation must effectively begin to strategically position itself to both recognize the speed at which things are going and couple with that work with speed to buy back lost time we only have seven years left and seven years theLord showed me cannot be Redeemed by human effort so the Lord says my body is not yet where it needs to be and is late for the bridegroom not for lack of strength but for lack of wisdom and creativity and the Lord says I am now replacing human structures with other structures that are going to help you buy back lost time and renew lost strength and just like the Roman roads were created for Apostle John to write those letters to the seven churches and those Roman roads became the technology that we now know today as the World WideWeb which was his world wide web and just like the Gutenberg Press helped spread Martin Luthers message of the 95thesis around the world and just like television helped Billy Graham and other great father spread the gospel around the world at an accelerated rate theLord said the enemy has come down with great wrath because he now knows his time is short so I will use artificial intelligence in the hands of righteous men to buy back lost time in this seven year closing window and listen I know somebody like AI how can God be speaking about AI listen you can either use the tool of AI or become the tool of AI.
NUMBER ONE: Your AI must now begin to take care of your Administration just like my church in Acts chapter 6 the Lord says I am speeding things up for you Revival is coming at an alarming rate and I’m feeling many of the bonds in America both small and great with Souls but love the Lord says do not get so busy in Ministry that you forget that I am your ministry says the Lord lest you wait at tables when I have called you to wait at my table for there is much more I want to show you that the Lord says I must deal now with the spirit of distraction that has got you so way down in Administration in taxes in documentation and in waiting on tables that the Lord says you have no more time to be in my presence for I am still a jealous God even against those to do my work but don’t do my will for I chose the twelve that they might be with me first and then the Lord says that I might send them out the Lord says my servants have gone out and have not come back to me says the Lord. Each one is busy and I require a generation of smart people that know when its time to Pivot that I mights show them more things at the gate that will redeem time I will raise Spirit filled men to work with artificial intelligence to streamline your Administration and to reduce costs for all this they’ll say but what about human labor and human employment and theLord says I am raising your tacticians who know what time it is and thatManpower is no longer fast enough to redeem the time remember what the scripture says Redeeming the time for the days ahead are evil.
NUMBER TWO: Your AI must now begin to take care of your social media your print and your publication spirit of God says I am going to begin revealing at an alarming rate I am pouring out of the gate Revelation that is daily and therefore I am giving you time to create structures and boundaries around your social media boundaries says the Lord and safety for the eyes of theLord are on you in this hour this will be an hour says the Lord where your outposts will be manned by technology because I require you to stand up my post and stand at my gate and hear my voice daily there will be that which I say withhold but there will be that which I say what you hear in the secret declare on the rooftops because there will be such Angelic and spiritual activity at the gate that human power will not be enough to keep up with it this will be the day of second Chronicles chapter 12 verse 7 which said unless I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of Revelations a thorn was given to me a messenger of Satan to Buffet me lest I be exalted above measure Revelation in abundance will begin to flow at the gate because I must make known effectively to the church key strategies for war but the eyes of them that man the posts I require to be back at the gate to hear my word effectively this is the time to effectively buy back time to no longer have to choose between your watch and your Watch Tower for do not let your watch tower be your focus but your watch time says the Lord
NUMBER THREE: Do not prioritize strength above sight. Samson was the strongest man alive but the time of his arrest his enemy not only cut off his hair but pulled out his eyes the Lord says you have prioritized your hair which is your strength above your sight not realizing that your hair can grow back but your sight cannot you can regain strength but if you lose your sight you’ve lost your ability to know where your strength can be prioritized for Maximum Impact while they were in High Spirits they shouted bring out Samson to entertain us so they called Samson out of the prison and he performed for them when they stood him among the pillars judges 16 verse 20 five did you hear that they said bring out the blind strong man to entertain us the Lord says tell them strength without sight is entertainment I have written to you fathers the Bible says because you have known him who is from the beginning I’ve written to you young men because you are strong and the word of God abides in you and you have overcome the wicked one first John 2 14 did you see how two generations one with sight one with strength work together to overcome the wicked one for the Lord says it is now time for strength and sight to run together for knowledge must combine with strength If my people are going to redeem the time for the Lord says I am dealing with a generation that has prioritized strength above side fight for the anime will call this entertainment your strongest Crusades without sight entertainment your biggest conferences with outside entertainment your larger Sunday attendance without prophetic sight your enemy will call it entertainment I do not want a people to prioritize strength above sight for with sight you will be effective and go from being a spectacle to being a miracle
NUMBER FOUR: Do not prioritize strength above strategy. Samson said to the servant who held his hand put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple so that I may lean against them judges 16 25 the Lord says when you were young you prioritize strength but when I would charge you prioritize sight for Samson called the young man who could see and pleaded with him to take him to the pillars that support the building there is a strategy coming from the gate that will give you the ability to do more in your latter years than you have ever done in all the years before the question of the season and what heaven is asking you is do you want more strength or do you want strategy that can do in a moment what Sprint could only do in a lifetime and some of you are going to find yourself overtaking those who ran with great strength and found themselves burned out at the end because God releases Divine strategy that’s going to cause you to overtake my son Harvey has a philosophy he thinks that because he’s bigger than you he’s older than you so often hell stand next to people older than him who may be shorter than him and hell say I’m bigger than you therefore Im older than you the spirit of God says can I remove this philosophy from your mindset just because its bigger doesn’t mean it’s more mature and the Lord says maturity will lie with those who prioritize strategy above strength at this time of the opening of the gate where Revelation is Flowing so too is strategy and there will be those two distracted by their own strength to realize what I am doing is going to be called the Great takeover and there will be those who will overtake those who have been running inMinistry those who have been working in business those who have been doing in their family for many years there will be those who will overtake them because they’re standing at the gate looking for strategy and just like Ecclesiastes 10 verse 10 says if the ax is dull either you sharpen the edge or you apply more Force but wisdom is profitable to direct than Samson prayed to the Lord Sovereign Lord remember me please God strengthen me just once more and let me with one blow get revenge on those Philistines from my two eyes the Lord says you’re getting ready through strategy to deliver one effective blow over all the blows you’ve ever released in your lifetime because now you’re understanding that vengeance is not because of the loss of your hair or your vanity its because of the loss of your prophetic Vision let me pray father in the name of Jesus just like the servant of the Lord prayed open his eyes to see that more are with us than those that are with the Enemy I pray open spiritual eyes again pour out your spirit again for dreams and for Visions in Jesus name amen man
NUMBER FIVE: The billionaire and trillionaire anointing. I know what you’re thinking Prosperity Gospel. but the Lord says my people are laboring for the billions of harvest but I require the billion Soul seed and the billion Soul Giver for I am raising up the Harvest those who are getting ready to be positioned now hear the word position to take advantage of a downward Market to become extremely wealthy and extremely righteous at the same time fire will break off of this unique few the spirit of guilt when it comes to prosperity and suddenly they shall arise from out of the church this new anointing will make the millionaire status obsolete because it can no longer effectively produce the residual flow for a momentous Harvest that I am calling forth for New Wealth and new money shall arise from a people who are doing this same thing but this time they are releasing it from a place of prophetic strategy for my presence and it will bring a generation of wealth they’re not going to be doing anything different the only difference is at my word says the Lord the only difference here is the season has changed and now you’re partnering with the prophetic now your business partner is the Lord and your business partner requires something different from you than your secular or carnal partner requires of you but theLord says can I Lodge a capacity and increase your faith to believe me for the more now Bob says when he had finished speaking he said to Simon now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish Simon answered Master we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything but nonetheless at your word some say at your work he says Ill let down this now when they had done so they caught such a large number of fish that they’re nets began to break so they signal theirPartners in the other boats to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink when Simon Peter saw this he fell atJesus knees and said go away from meLord I am a sinful man for he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken and so wereJames and John the sons of Zebedee Simon Peters partners then Jesus said to Simon Don’t Be Afraid from now on you’ll fish for people thats Luke chapter 5 verse 4 nothing had changed in whatPeter was doing except for who Peter was doing it for the Lord says you will do the same thing but this time it’ll be at my work and you’ll see a great catch because your season has changed but here’s just a pivot I need you to see this scripture again with fresh eyes theLord says I gave Peter the fish because I needed him and his Partners to move from fishing for fish to fishing for men and so the Lord says I could not give them the Abundant ship wrecking harness that I brought in unless they had a priority for the Harvest of men if I could not bless them with an abundantFinancial harvest in their business I couldn’t take their attention off their business to prioritizing my Pursuit for them to fish for men so the Lord says I am releasing my word over your business to begin to prosper you but I will only prioritize those businesses that have positioned themselves to say God bless me for the Harvest of souls bless my business for the fishing of people something you need to pray that right now God Prosper me God bless my business because now Im prioritizing Souls now what does that mean it means now starting today you’re gonna have to plug your business into the kingdom into the soul-winning agenda into the billionSoul Harvest and thats the pivot through which God is going to say now let down your net because your focus has shifted the Lord says I will not bless your business that is positioned for you and your bonds to you our Wicked one I will say get your house in order for your days are numbered for your thought to yourself that you would build bigger bonds when I blessed you for the sake of the billion Soul Harvest
NUMBER SIX: A homeless harvest the Lord says I’m no longer heeding your prayers for Revival did I not declare already the Harvest is already ready the Revival is already here I did not tell my servants to pray for a harvest its already plentiful I declare pray for the workersJesus went through all the towns and Villages teaching in the synagogues proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness when he saw the crowds he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a Shepherd then he said to his disciples theHarvest is plentiful but the workers of you asked a lot of the Harvest therefore to send out workers into the harvest field Matthew 9:35 the Lord says Im waiting for people who have gotten over their excitement of the crowd and the Crusade and the healings and the Miracles and so instead turn in compassion over the orphaned homeless crowd Im waiting for a people who do not exploit crowd size for social media credit but a people who go from excitement to compassion not that Im not joyous with you in your crowd says the Lord but I have to collect to the apostles when they said we cast out demons and even they fled in your nameMarvel not at these things but rather that your names are written in the Lambs Book of Life or I celebrate your Victory but for the billion so Harvest who will raise up the billion SoulHarvesters for the Harvest is ready and crowds May amass themselves to you but can you see they are helpless harassed and wary can I cause you to be moved with compassion to see that if there is no worker the Harvest will remain homeless I do not want to home this Harvest My Cry is for a harvest with bonds for you have said it is not about the building it is about the people oh man oh woman which is more important toNoah the boat or the beasts without the building structures and without building edifices the beasts which surely drown a homeless Harvest will drown in this world therefore I am calling for the builders and the Builder anointing to rise up again in the earth and finally once the ax have falls stop the work command them each one whose heart God has made willing bid them to come to build the house of the Lord to build the new wine skins so that the wine doesn’t burst for this will be an hour of newNehemiah projects across the Earth and I will build new bonds not rigid ones and many shall flow into it says the Lord for when my son came into the Earth there was no room for him in an inn and he grew up to say even foxes have holes but the son of man has no place to lay his head the Lord says do not cry against a nation that has given place to the devil when my church is given no place for me for this will be a day like when I put it in the heart of Elisha’s prophets to build bigger and the ax had fell and the works stopped the Lord saysI will not allow the building to continue in the earth will do not prioritize the ax head whats the ax head the symbol of the prophetic theProf prophetic must remain the priority of your building so that flesh does not glory in my sight for I will ResurrectThe Fallen ax head in Nations and my bride will build no longer vanity projects but they will build what I am building says the Lord