TRANSCRIPT: waiting on you up around that bin as a matter of fact this path to the future will allow you all to begin again see what God has his store where in the fure all right Gino w h come on and jump on the future jump in it today come on and jump in your future let the Holy Ghost show us a way come on going to run safe Im going to run come on Im going to run come on say Im going to run Im going to run Im going to run Im going to run Im going yeah Im going to see what God has in store for me where in the future n luck you oh everybody say the Future come on say that its mine everybody say the future and Gods going to put you ahead and bring you from way behind for theres a Bright and Shine in Destiny just a waiting on you and me if we will dare just to believe that he has it all planned for you and me say I have a future I have a future in the Holy Ghost a its not my destiny its my destiny its my destiny its my destiny God is wanting me to see my destiny yeah yeah oh yeah sh it like this how much of your future that you walk in depends on how much of your past you will forget your future awaits you reach out out and take it there is a Grace like no other Grace the original Covenant of man was founded upon Grace that was the Covenant that was present when Adam was formed was the Covenant of Grace it foretold of a resurrection to come it foretold of a time when God God himself would become a man and die thats why Adams image in the image of God was formed in the dust a prophecy of Grace from the very beginning Grace held the stars in place Grace named all the animals and their kind Grace was there from the very start and Grace will not leave you again and I behind its Grace come on say say its Grace oh Grace oh oh h o come on lets lift our hands up and bless God come on and just thank him thank him were looking beyond the time were standing to a time yet to come come on come on its in a time when jackals are absent were in a time were looking at a time when the jackals over nations are absent from their positions were looking over time when witches and warlocks voices are silent were looking toward a time when it as on Earth as it is in heaven we are looking toward that time of Eternity thats on the inside of you and me go ahead and thank him for that thank him and be grateful be grateful that God has not forgotten your family be grateful that God has not forgotten you be grateful that God has not forgotten his Covenant with us he is our God there is no other God theres only one God one true God the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob shout it out the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob come on give him a shout the biggest shout you got come on h were in a time in the future of Israel in the future of Israel right now at the tower of David when Freedom will be proclaimed from Jerusalem oh Netanyahu you are my David do not give in to those voices around you and let Isis live for these things will be a blide and a plague in the future generations of children to come hold true strong hold true and strong I offered it to Obama he did not do what I said to do but you do it for I hear a trumpet sounding in the distance for there is a plan and there is a a way its in my word its the only way for men think that they have a way and an idea flu the Lord says upon the ideas of men before the ideas laid in the foundation of the world and from eternitys past I was there says the Lord the Lord said I was there I was there when I consulted with wisdom wisdom yes my word I consulted with my own word and laid out the future of generations yet to be I saw you I saw you says the Lord before you ever saw me I saw you and I counted your fingers and the hairs on your head for you do not think anyone could be that big says the Lord but I was there I was there oh Father Son and Holy Ghost Father Son and Holy Ghost Father Son and Holy Ghost Elohim Adonai Father Son and Holy Ghost Father Son and Holy Ghost Father Son and Holy Ghost Elohim the night father son and Holy Ghost come on Father Son and Holy Ghost come on everybody listening say it father son Elohim ad who walked with me in the beginning none but the Son and the Holy Ghost my word was written before the found foundation of the world its called wisdom I consulted with it in my lap for everything you know of was planned out yeah by the father Son and Holy Ghost by the father Son and Holy Ghost three and one 3 and one father son Holy Ghost 1 and 3 3 and one Father Son and Holy Ghost what dont you join me in my thinking says the Lord I dont even think about you failing think about your great success I gave you my word so that you may live so that you may live like me so that you could think with me so that you could talk with me my word is my part of your prayer life my word is what you say to talk on my level its my word speak it speak it speak it speak my word speak my word speak my word when you be heard yeah yeah hear that sound jackals falling down to the ground you hear it jackals falling down jackals falling down Jackal falling down AIS to the ground hear it Israels victory for a warning Egypt says the Lord do not get that glean back in your eye where you seek to take advantage of this situation and run in at the apple of my eye I will not take it kindly should you try this the second time for then that eye you paint in the center of your head will become very blind the third eye of Egypt will not see should you attempt this against me sit real quiet try to help those you can but stay stay your ass out of my Promised Land w oh Hallelujah we were somewhere else for a while somewhere else in time in hear the word of the Lord concerning Israel for I did not deceive you says the Lord Yeshua is the messiah and he is your Messiah quit seeking for another lest a great deception overtake you Abrahams Covenant cries Yeshua is the Messiah Isaiahs prophecies cry Yeshua is the messiah do not seek for another for right now I am protecting you from Egypt for me and I will keep my hand upon you for no one will take Abrahams land from him for they will have to Dethrone me to do it this is not a task that is even possible but I tell you says the Lord who your Messiah is hasbalah doeses not know him Hamas has never seen him the who the do not recognize him the Egyptians are afraid of him but he watches over Israel for it is his inheritance Hallelujah hallu hallelujah hallelujah come on and give the Lord a shout Hallelujah