I was praying and I saw that new accusations would be coming against Trump—concerning things of a sexual nature. You should pray for him. It’s just more stuff—more fuel for the fire. People trying to throw stuff on there. 

The Lord said to continue to pray against war in the Middle East. We need to pray for the safety of the men women and children on both sides as well. Pray for the safety of Americans, for Christians in the area, that the persecution of Christians in Israel will stop and for the release of all prisoners and that they are unharmed.

I felt in the spirit was that the exposure of “alien life” was going to happen very soon and that was like way sooner than what we thought. The Lord said this is not going to be a small thing although it will be treated as though it was by many. You will see videos emerging of crystal clear photos of UAP with “alien life” forms in them and actual pictures of “alien life”. The Big Catch will be when the government officials state on record that there is extraterrestrial life and that we have been in contact with them. That will be a precursor to a big actual reveal where they show up everywhere. They are here on Earth already. They were actually cast down to the Earth when the dragon and his messengers were cast down to the Earth— when Jesus was resurrected. And that’s something you can get into in the Book of Revelation chapter 12. 

I was praying and I felt like um Israel is about to undergo a time of great mourning. I don’t know exactly what happened. I was actually playing piano and worshiping and I felt and saw in my spirit that Israel was under a time of morning for the entire nation. And that a disaster had happened and there was a great loss of life. There was a great burden to bear. And Israel mourned and it wasn’t just a mourn— there was like wailing there was gnashing of teeth. And there was extreme anger.

We’re going to start seeing crypto whales start moving around funds and putting them into alt-coins. Around the same the whale spotters are going to notice this and they’re going to make it known to other people. You’re also going to see whales starting to try to manipulate the market and scare people into sell-offs. And this will not be taken very lightly.

They’re going to try and hurt alt-coins by hurting Bitcoin. They want to get rid of alt-coins through Bitcoin. But what you’re going to see is Bitcoin is going to end up becoming stronger, and alt-coins are going to become stronger because of that. What I saw was they’re going to try and manipulate markets by scaring people to try and make them sell off to try and save themselves to try and make a profit. 

But what the Lord said was the little guys that they’re trying to scare are going to be strong and hold their shares (coins) without selling. And this will create a small buffer zone where the average Joe—the average holder/investor shows the world that they are, in fact, the ones that control things and not the whales. And all of their money and their big dumps—you’re going to see counter moves where people are going and buying and purchasing.

There’s about to be another crypto trading platform— the Lord did not tell me which one— that is going to be indicted for Market manipulation. And this is going to tie into “LUNC Catastrophe”. That’s what he said “a LUNC Catastrophe”.

The Lord said to pray for our American troops. I was praying and I saw American troops actively in a camp engaged in warfare against an enemy. I don’t I don’t know who it was. It was somewhere in the Middle East. I also saw a naval vessel that was being attacked somewhere in waters near Israel that would lead to war. I wasn’t sure if that was an American vessel.

The Lord said bank failure is imminent with no sustainable government bailout. That’s very specific. And I kept seeing multiple banks—it was like they were going bankrupt in this vision. I saw it was though they had large debts that they just couldn’t pay off. They got (them) from the government and they couldn’t pay back the American government. And it was pay now or else.

I feel like it was only temporary though. And it would lead to new legislation being passed rather rapidly that would help banks that were struggling . And I don’t feel like that was a bailout but it was something they did to try and help. 

You have to pray about because they’re going to push to try and make things into one Central Bank—like an “American bank”. And they get rid of all the little guys, the credit unions and all that stuff , but I did feel like Credit Unions were actually going to fair better than large banks during this crisis. And those banks that receive massive amounts of money from the American government are not going to do so well.

I saw Texas getting even tighter with their border policy. I saw that they would shut down a large amount of illegals that were crossing. Now Texas is going to really shut down the Border— essentially to keep illegals from coming in. 

The bad side of this is as a result Arizona and California suffer because now Arizona and California are going to have to step up. 

Texas is going to be a safer State. 

Eventually what’s going to happen is you’re going to see Arizona step up as well.  Texas will get even tighter with their border— Arizona and California will be overwhelmed.

We’re going to see a new governor coming to Arizona. I want to say before the elections. I don’t know what goes on. I don’t I know who it is. The Lord didn’t tell me. But he said that you will see a new governor very soon in Arizona. He didn’t tell me when. So the new governor coming to Arizona— they will become tough on the border. They will pass new laws similar to Texas that will allow law enforcement to apprehend illegals and Aid immigration and customs in their jobs as well.
