I started interceding and the Lord showed me—just like he always does— the calendars. Se shows me in visions things that are coming.

In this one, I could see into January really clear. I could see into February, March. I could see plots and plans of the wicked— of them plotting things against the American people. Against America’s elections—interference. 

I’m not going to release all of that but I’m going to I’m going to say it like this:

I heard the spirit of the Lord say: This great Grace will be poured out over 2024. A great grace. I saw a Grace wave. I could see it on January, February, March, April, and May. There was an acceleration of great grace.

I saw a change in the spiritual atmosphere concerning finances. Supernatural outpouring of finances for the people who are listening in the body of Christ. And it’s going to pour on the just and the unjust. It’s going to be on the just and the unjust. I saw finances on the unjust, and I saw finances on the just. A great wave of money in 2024.  

I saw a defusing of another plot of a virus. A defusing. I don’t understand that, but it was like it was going to try to be something that turned into nothing. More so of what the enemy was trying to do in 2024–it was like you let out a balloon. (Deflated) 

I saw going into April even more of an acceleration of finances. In April. Something about April. Praying over April. 

And I could hear the Lord Jesus Christ. I could hear when he was talking to me, when I was praying and singing. He was over this great grace time. I could see he was anticipating something. He was watching over America. I could see him watching over our land. He was looking at us with anticipation watching us, and how we were going to handle these finances. How we were handling this this window of a Grace explosion—what I’m going to call Grace acceleration.

I could see the weather. I could see storms. I could see as Spring goes—acceleration of long track tornadoes. I saw the jet stream strengthening and and the jet stream was accelerating.

I just saw that the storms would be long track tornadoes in some places— that would be like at a stronger category of an EF5 that that we’ve never seen before.

I saw Trump with major rallies with seas of people coming to his rallies. I saw him speaking on a stage with a white shirt, a red tie, and a blue suit like he always wears. And he was preaching.

It looked like mountains in the background. I don’t know where it was, maybe it was Arizona. Maybe it wasn’t, I don’t know. But there was mountains—he was standing on a platform here— the seas of the people was all out here of course— and there was was mountains in the horizon. I could see them.

He was speaking there and I won’t tell you what I saw happen trying to try to happen against him. We just need to pray for his protection. That’s all I will say. You will need to pray for his protection in massive rallies. 

I saw going into 2025 again and I saw great dam— like the great Hoover Dam in Las Vegas, Nevada area. This was like a massive thick slate wall of of something that look like as dark as onyx. Again I saw it going the end of December (2024) going into January (2025). It looked like it was impenetrable. The Blackness it was the darkest black I’ve ever seen before. It went all upon a wall. You could not see through it. The darkness the black—like crude oil behind it.

I was looking into it I could see into January, February, March, April (2025) and all of a sudden it split. And what was the blackest through those months— dark, dark— had a bit of a green start to come upon the grass. There were some trees. I could see the trees, but there was  thick, thick, thick black all on top of these trees in March, April, and May of 2025.

And then I kept focusing on it because I could see it. And I was just like Lord why am I seeing this Darkness on this time frame. But I was hearing the word “Depression— a Great Depression”. 

And then I seen Trump in the Oval Office. And he was crying and he had his hands down on his head at his desk in the Oval Office. He was praying. He had his hands at his head and he was crying. 

But was crying and asking for Mercy. He was crying out for Mercy concerning America. And he was interceding.

But it was a different type of Trump. He was skinnier for one. And he looked tired. He looked very wore out. He was broken to the point where he was interceding. 

And all of a sudden I saw pastors in the Oval Office with him walking around praying. He had called for people to pray with him. And I could see these men they weren’t just standing there behind like I’ve seen pictures before in the past. They were actually pacing and interceding in the Oval Office praying in tongues— praying in the Spirit in the Oval Office.

I saw a man. I don’t know who he was. He was a pastor—(he) had a ball head (on top) and he had hair on the side. He was a tall man— a slender man. He was probably 250, 240. He was walking back and forth praying. And he had a gray suit on, a white shirt, and no tie. It was unbuttoned. He was praying in there. And they were interceding— and the tears were just flowing out of his face when he was interceding for the nation 

All of a sudden—now this is very interesting—I saw the paddles for when you’re going to shock somebody to to wake them up. I saw those hit the nation of America and I saw shock waves go over the land— pulses. I could see the shocks again—boom! And I could see it rippling across the land.

And all of that black started to move. There was a thick black that started looking like waves of energy moving across the soil of America as this prayer was going on in the White House.

And then all of a sudden I saw up North toward the North Pole. I saw a light that looked like a match. Black was all over the world at this time. It was a black that was all over the world and if you would take an egg—this is the way I’m going to describe it—if you were to take an egg and you were to put pressure from the inside out— like a chick breaking forth. That’s the way this Dome that was. A half of a sphere that was over this area that looked like. But it was breaking. The light was a match and all of a sudden this this this energy— which I want to call Holy Ghost energy. It was like the Holy Spirit, the anointing, took it and exploded that Blackness off and it started to fall in pieces like an egg. It was like shattering, and all of a sudden that anointing, that glow, that light from this match. It was this most intense light I’ve ever seen—similar to what’s at the Father’s throne. It was it was at a center but there was light upon light around it from the north. And it split this blackout and exploded.

All of a sudden that light started sending rays of light through that eggshell looking thing— this membrane. It started to split and the light started shining. all through it and then the light started to spread. 

I was really looking at this Black Dome looking thing—of why it was on towards the north by  Ireland.

Then I was taken back in the vision to this time of 2024.

I believe he’s wanting to have a major Revival. I believe there’s wanting to be a turnaround in things I believe that Jesus still has a desire to see a major outpouring of his spirit Spirit upon America upon the Earth like we’ve never seen before. and I told you I saw a major shaking coming. I told you all I saw major events taking place throughout the the world. So I want to encourage you to pray with me. I want to encourage you to intercede for this stuff that I’m seeing.

For finances—there’s a lot the Lord’s showing me. A lot of stuff. But I’m telling you this: 2024 is going to be a good year.