TRANSCRIPT: I was in my prayer room and I had a vision. And it was as if I saw a golden key. And when I looked at the key, the key was a door key of course. And the key was floating as if it was on the air. When I looked closer, the key had to do or the key was inside the Oval Office—the White House. And I saw a hand that that was being stretched forth like this and the key was coming out of the person’s hand. And the key that came out of the person’s hand began to float through the air and it landed on another man’s hand.
And the Spirit of the Lord ministered to me and he said to tell you that the 2024 election, which is of course in November, there will be a presidential key to the White House that will be transferred from one hand to another. In fact, it went from a righthand and it was taken in by a left hand. And I saw that it was a transfer of the seat in the White House.
And the Spirit of the Lord began to minister to me. And He said look into the land and look into the financial markets. And my eyes went to Wall Street. And my eyes went to Washington. And my eyes went to the Treasury Department.
I saw as if it was a meeting. And in a meeting they were discussing the interest rates for 2024– especially after the election. And the Lord said to me to tell the people that though the interest rate had been high for this whatever number of months, the Lord said get ready; I’m about to bring it back to pre-Covid numbers.
I also saw and I went to the government statistics Department in the spirit. And I saw people in this department that were wearing a white garment— sort of like a scrub or medical professional scrubs.
They were going over the numbers and they were inputting numbers into the government computers. And in the computers I read: death toll for 2024 versus 2023. When I looked on the right hand of the screen, I saw that the numbers on the right hand pertaining to 2024 had a negative when it was compared to 2023. And I heard when the Lord said that the death toll in America in 2024 will be substandard. It will be south of the death toll in 2023. God is about to do something. He’s about to reset America. He’s about to reset government.
When I was in the Council of the Lord, I saw people that were voting. This was not a presidential type of vote that I was seeing. But I was seeing, like, States. States senators and State government and Governors and States Congressmen.
I saw how the votes that were going in for some of these individuals— the votes were by the Christians that were voting for God’s people into office. And the Lord said to me to tell the Church: that in 2024, there will be a shift of the wave of my candidates in the government office.
I saw that many of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. When they enter their office in the morning, the first thing they did was to pray. Dedicate the day to God. And they began to speak in tongues, and the vision left me.
There will be people coming back to government. there will be people, God said, that they will call on my Spirit from the state office to the the White House. They will call on my Spirit even in the Police Department— from the Chief up to the Commissioner all the way down to the patrol man said the Lord.
I’m about to say something that is going to take financial wisdom. God said to me that, again leading up to the election, there will be an all-time de-valuation, am all-time low of the US Dollar. But it will be short lived. It will encompass the election month even into the following year.
And the Lord said to tell you to be wise with your spendings especially towards the end of the year. You will not be able to get as much for your dollar towards the end of the year in 2024–the way you would be able to get it at the beginning and the middle of the year.
I saw Hollywood. I saw movie stars. I saw actors. I saw producers and movie directors. They were coming out unashamedly on mainstream media on social media speaking about their faith.
These are actors that are prominent actors. Actors that have tenure in Hollywood. And because of them being anchored—so famous and so powerful in the movie industry—they will be able to come out speaking about Jesus. they will be able to be interviewed and they will have no shame to tell the viewers and the people that they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the Lord said these movie stars, these actors, these producers and even these directors, they will not be able to be fired because they are like a brand name already in Hollywood.
Then the Spirit of the Lord took me from America, and I was flying I was flying over different nations. And when I flew over different nations by God’s Spirit, I flew over Manhattan and I was flying over the United Nations building.
And the angel of the Lord that took me down a little lower where I could hear conversation. And I saw and I heard where in the United Nations, they were having internal serious internal problems.
And I beheld and I saw members of the United Nations countries, that are current members of the UN, leaving, resigning, disconnecting from the UN because they will not stand for what the UN is becoming.
I saw five. I saw six. I saw seven. Seven different countries disconnecting from the UN and reversing and disconnecting their membership. God is about to shake that group. He’s about to go in and He’s about to shake everything that can be shaken. God said the UN is my tool, is my vessel. And I will use the UN until my sons appear in the sky says the Lord.
What about the church, Lord? I saw at least two of God’s generals leaving the Earth this coming year. If I mention the names, obviously you will know who they are. But there are some things you leave names out.
In fact, one of them the Lord said to me, that he’s been asking God when is his time because he wants to go. But God said I have not taken those two yet because I am preparing a David. I am preparing a Joshua I am preparing aCaleb I am preparing the Deborah companies I am preparing the Elijah. I am preparing the Elijahs in these last days. And I will take my two generals in 2024 and I will bring them home to rest. And they will hear from my mouth says the Lord Well Done thou good and faithful servant.
One of them, the Lord said to me, will not go past July. 7 months into the year. 7 months into the year, one will be taken. the other one will be taken towards the end of the year.
The Lord spoke to me that for 2024, He’s about to visit the Church and he’s about to clean it out.