TRANSCRIPT: Spiritual Prayer Warriors, did you feel the shift in the spirit last night during and after the presidential debate between Trump and Biden? I sure did. In fact, I think it’s more of a fracture,but CK and I both felt it. It’s something that occurred in the spiritual realm that has utter significance to it, and we were awake so much of the night just tossing and turning just because of that disturbance and what was going on.And then when I awakened this morning and went into prayer, the Lord spoke to me and he said these words. Last night’s presidential debate resulted in two significant fractures, talking about in the spiritual realm, one between the White House and other Democrats, and the other between the White House and various world leaders. Jezebel’s alliances are crumbling.Then he continued, they will attempt sleight of hand deceptions and smoke and mirrors diversions, but these tactics will not save them. I will open eyes to the deception and my spirit will blow away the smoke, and I through my people will continue to speak truth and justice into the atmosphere. Wow, what a word.Fractures are happening now. This is significant because they can’t be undone. You know, Biden’s performance showing the entire world of his physical and mental decline.A lot of people say that they feel sorry for him. I don’t. I don’t feel sorry for a man who has caused so much damage to America and around the world even.His influence has been so Jezebel demonic. But what happened is that the Lord kept bringing to my mind a vision that he gave to me in March of 2021. I mean, this is what was rolling around on the inside of me while I was awake last night.It wouldn’t leave me. It stuck with me all the way through my prayer time today. So I just knew the Holy Spirit wanted me to remind you of what it is that the Lord said, because it’s all playing out before us at this time.This is what he gave me. The vision is that he took me up in the spirit and over Washington, D.C., and I looked down upon the city and I could see a lot of politicians as they were going about their business, maybe at home, maybe in their offices. And suddenly they were surprised by tears that began to form in their clothing, like these two or three inch tears would come in their shirts, their blouses or their pants, their skirts, their dresses.And they wondered what’s going on. They were embarrassed and they were trying to take care of those situations because it was exposing what was underneath, their hidden agendas. Then the scene changed and the Lord took me right down into the Oval Office and there Biden was sitting behind the desk.What was interesting is that there were extra doors around the Oval Office. They signified there that there were hidden agendas. There were other things that were transpiring behind the scenes.And so behind one of the doors, I could hear talking and it was those that were Biden’s staff. And they were really concerned. They were trying to figure out and strategize about how to keep Biden from looking so foolish.His physical and his mental decline had come to the point to where they wanted to keep it from the public. And so they were trying to figure out constantly how to hide all of these deficiencies. By the way, I should say that before the scene shifted and I went into the Oval Office, that when I saw the tears that were coming in the politicians’ clothing, exposing their hidden agendas, the Lord spoke to me and He said, what’s hidden in the basement will be revealed in the White House.Then it went to the White House. And so these people were trying to figure out how to keep all of this hidden. Then there was a second door.Behind the second door, I could hear talking and it was staff members who were really frustrated. They were frustrated because they didn’t have the kind of contact and interaction with Biden that they needed. He wasn’t able to give that.He wasn’t a strong leader. He didn’t have the time. There was not much working with them.And so they felt a lot of frustration. How in the world do we get our job done? And they were left alone to try to figure out for themselves. And so there was a lot of policies that were being made by them rather than by Biden.And it was up on their own agendas of what they wanted. Then there was another door, a third door, that I could hear conversations coming through. And the third door had people who were behind it trying to strategize contingency plans for if Biden was not able to finish out his term for whatever reason.And of course, the obvious reason would be because of these physical declines. And the problem that they were facing is that they didn’t like VP Harris. They didn’t want her.You know, the Constitution and the way that the government is set up is that if something happens to Biden and he’s removed, then the vice president takes over and to figure out a way to get around that and not allow that to happen. Now, the video I did two and a half years ago substantiates everything I’m telling you now. And so there are all these alternate plans were in the work, these workarounds, these different contingencies, how to do all that.And that’s what’s happening right now. What was hidden in the basement, remember the 2020 campaign that Biden was carrying on from the basement? He didn’t come out. He didn’t talk to the people.It would be revealed in the White House. That’s what’s happening right now. And at this particular point with that revealing, it’s causing those two fractures that I just described to you, the fractures in the spirit, the first one between the White House and other Democrats.Okay. The White House is what’s driving this. You look at the narrative today that they are spewing after that presidential debate.And it is just one lie after another lie after another lie. But there are many Democrats don’t buy it. Their eyes were open.The fractures happened. The second one is between the White House, which is talking about foreign policy then and other world leaders. So this thing is unraveling.Jezebel’s alliances are crumbling, the Lord said. So we are, by the power of the spirit, going to speak truth and justice. We’ll continue that.That symbolizes how that we, as the Lion’s Army, as a people of God, rising up and using our authority to bring righteousness and justice back to America again, into the governance of our nation. And this is going to affect the entire world. So I wanted to encourage you and let you know what the Lord said.And I want to pray with you. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray together. And Lord, we ask for truth and justice and righteousness to be released in the spiritual realm and to manifest with dynamic changes in our nation.In the name of Jesus Christ and Lord God, I also pray for Biden to be removed from office and for President Trump to come back in. I also pray for the people, the warriors, for protection, strength, prosperity, anointing to come upon them as we carry this through to the ultimate climax of the glory of God invading our nation, righteousness being restored, and also for spiritual awakening and revival. There’s a great shift that’s happening now as people, eyes are being opened, and they are shifting now into the truth.It opens their hearts to Jesus. Hallelujah. And they are getting saved right and left.God bless each and every one of you. 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