TRANSCRIPT: Well, welcome everyone. I’m Carolyn Dennis, and this is Declaring Your Destiny. And today, I have a message from God that He gave me the evening of July 2nd and the morning of July 3rd.

And today is July 4th, 2024. Happy 4th of July.

And before we get started, let’s say a quick prayer and let’s bless our nation. Pray with me, please. Thank you, Father, for this beautiful day.

And thank you that we can celebrate the 4th of July here in the United States. And it is we stand for freedom. And Father, we just ask that you set this country free from any bondage that we are in.

And we just believe that whom the sun sets free is free indeed. And I just ask that this be a beautiful day in the country of the United States and all around the world. And that there be peace and love and joy in Jesus name.

Amen. Okay, so let’s get to our message today. And it’s called How Much Longer.

And again, I received this in the evening of July 2nd in the morning of July 3rd. It’s not a very long message, but I think it’s quite power packed. Okay, so here’s the what God told me.

The media is his biggest enemy, and they are owned by the elitist and the Democratic Party. But all of that will change soon. Change is coming.

And it is coming very fast. The world will change in one day, and you will be in awe of your new life, your freedom. You don’t know how much bondage you were in.

Wait and see. Now it ended right there on the night of the second. So the morning of the third, the Father picked it up with me and he started with, How much longer, you say? That is my decision.

And you know it is near, as I have told you. I am orchestrating everything and the players. You will see movements like a game of chess.

One will be here and move quickly there. And soon it will be checkmate. I win and you win, my precious children.

Take heart and enjoy this day, each day, excuse me. Don’t fret or worry about the show that will soon be over. They are searching and looking and there is no good pick.

They think Biden is their only chance. And chance they know they have not. The writing is on the wall as in the book of Daniel.

And they are shaking and fretting as they see their end is near. So spend time with us and enjoy the summer. There will be much heat before it is over.

I have told my Donald will triumph and triumph he will. Look at the victories in just the last week. I am doing it all.

And soon you will see that I am the great I am. And I have all the power. Amen.

Now I told you it was a short message and it came in two parts. So I just want to go over it really quickly with you. And so he said that the Father said the media is his biggest enemy.

Well, of course, he’s talking about President Trump at that point. And that the media is owned by the elitist and the Democratic Party. But he said that will change soon.

And that we’re going to see change and it’s coming fast. And he reminds us that he’s told us over and over that the world will change in one day. And we will be free because we don’t even know how much bondage we are in.

So it’s kind of cool. We’re talking about this today on the day that we celebrate freedom in the United States. So then the next morning, he said to me, how much longer you say? Because everyone, including myself, were wondering when is this going to happen? How long is it going to be? We’ve been waiting and hoping and praying.

So he said that is his decision. But we know it’s near because he has told us that he’s orchestrating everything, all the people involved. He referred to them as the players.

And that we will see movements like a game of chess. And when he told me that, I visualized how some of the pieces of chess, and I don’t play chess, but that they don’t always move one step at a time. Some of them can move multiple steps.

Some of them might move in an L or something like that. That it’s not always straight or sideways. So he said some will be here and then quickly they’ll be there.

And then it will be checkmate. And that God wins and we win. Amen.

So he asked us to enjoy each day and don’t fret or worry about it, because everything will soon be over soon. And then he refers to the Democrats and says they’re looking and searching and fretting, and they don’t have a good pick right now. And they really think Biden is their only chance.

But the chance they know that they don’t have, because the writing is on the wall, like in the book of Daniel, and that they’re shaking and fretting as they see that the end is near. So I went to the book of Daniel and I read the section again about King Belshazzar. And King Belshazzar was Nebuchadnezzar’s son.

So he had seen all the things that had happened to Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar did end up exalting the father, the God Almighty. But so Nebuchadnezzar perhaps has died by now and Belshazzar is king.

So in chapter five, he holds this feast and he gives a command to the servants to bring the gold and silver vassals that had been sanctified and used in the temple in Jerusalem. So these were holy items and he wanted those at the party to drink from them. So they drank wine and while they were doing that, they praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone.

So they were praising idols. So within the hour that they did this, and again, we’re in chapter five of the book of Daniel, the fingers appeared on the wall and Belshazzar saw the part of the hand that was doing the writing and he got very nervous and his countenance changed. His thoughts troubled him and he was so nervous and shaken that the joints of his hips were loosened and his knees were knocking against each other.

So he starts making great promises that whoever can interpret what was written on the wall that he would give them so much of his kingdom and he would put a gold necklace on them and just different things. I don’t even, I didn’t even write that part down. So he had magicians and seers and people like that in the court and none of them could interpret it.

So the queen says, she gives him some nice accolades and she tells Belshazzar, she said, well there’s this man Daniel who, you know, is in the kingdom and why don’t you bring him in? So Daniel comes and he reminds the king of all the things that he had seen when his father Nebuchadnezzar was king and he scolds Belshazzar and tells him you’ve praised the idols and you have not glorified God. So then, and this was a little lengthy, but then Daniel interprets it and I don’t, I’m not, I can’t really say Hebrew, so I’m kind of not wanting to say the words, but I’ll try. So mene, it means God has numbered your kingdom and finished it.

Tikal, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. That hurts. Erez, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.

So that very night after Daniel interpreted it and they had had this party and had committed idolatry, extreme idolatry, high treason idolatry, the Medes came, they took the kingdom and Belshazzar was killed. So we go back to what our message was and it said the writing is on the wall. So I think we can look at that this is a message that their kingdom is finished and perhaps they’ve been weighed in the balances.

So that’s pretty severe, I think. So then the father goes on and he tells us to spend time with him and Jesus and enjoy our summer, that there’s going to be much heat before it is over. And he said that he told his Donald, he’s told us that his Donald will triumph and triumph he will.

And for us to look at the victories within the last week, that the father is doing it all and soon we all will see that he is the great I am and he has all the power. So I did a little research but I probably missed a whole bunch because a lot of things happened in the last week, week and a half for victories for President Trump. So we know the debate that President Trump won the debate and that’s totally caused chaos within the Democratic Party as to the status of Biden.

There was the Supreme Court decision to grant immunity for acts committed as a president and this will affect other cases that they have filed against President Trump. The New York judge in the case concerning Stormy Daniels has delayed the sentencing in that case. And of course President Trump’s campaign fundraising has just skyrocketed over the last few weeks.

And again I probably missed some, there’s others I’m sure. So you can check that out but I thought it was really very interesting and exciting what God told us today. So today because it’s July 4th and we are excited to celebrate our freedom, I wanted to declare freedom over our country.

The scripture I found is from John 8 verse 36 and it is, therefore if the son makes you free you shall be free indeed. Amen. So declare with me the United States is a free nation.

We have freedom. Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. If you would like to connect with Audra or myself you’re welcome to email us at declaringyourdestiny1 at and we would love to hear from you.

We also have a P.O. box it’s post office box 225 Oak Island North Carolina 28465. We ask that you like, subscribe, and share our video if you find our content something that is of interest to you. We so much appreciate all of our community.

We have so many people in our community. It’s just a community of love and we appreciate it so much. And we are going to be back tomorrow.

Friday Audra will have her Fear Not series and then Saturday I have another video that I hope to have ready for you for Saturday. So I hope you have a beautiful 4th of July that you enjoy with friends and family and don’t get too hot out there today. All right hope you have the best day in Jesus and we love you.

Jesus loves you. Shalom.