Because I believe we are in an Esther moment. We’re in a worldwide anointing of Esther’s. We’re going to challenge that ideology like she did with a three-day fast and said if I die, I die.

I go back and you saw that video 2017, President Trump was elected and witches rose up worldwide to curse him. Now you got to ask the question why witches would rise up worldwide to curse a man who’s not exactly moral. I wonder if the spirit realm understood more than the pulpitsof America did.

That this man was a threat to the blood altar of Roe v. Wade that was fueling the darkness and he would bring an embassy to Israel and set in motion something that could actually set America back to God. We judge by what our eyes see and don’t discern what the Spirit’s saying. So because of these witches, I felt the Lord lead me to go up to Estes Park.

My wife looked it up and said some people call it Esther’s Park. I went up there to fast and pray. God do you want me to do anything about these witches? And I have a dream on the third night of a fast up in those mountains and in the dream as far as I can see women are coming fromeverywhere.

Young and old. It feels like I’m looking at a revival. I’ll never forget it Dutch.

I’m watching a women’s revival going on and they’re all coming to hear the book of Esther be taught. I’m the only man there with my prayer partner who gives me an ancient Bible which now I understand the interpretation of the dream. I was being given an ancient assignment of a Mordecai to mobilize what I’m looking at.

I’m so stunned and a woman stands up in the dream and she says, and these two words in the book of Esther actually mean Nazgul, N-A-Z-G-U-L. I explode out of the dream instantly knowing what it means because I watched the last part of the Lord of the Rings where the brilliance of God to pull something back from the past to hammer in and a divine assignment and in the dream that Nazgul witch king is destroying the armies of men and says no man can kill me but the king’s daughter takes off her helmet lets her hair down and says I am no man and she pierces the Nazgul. I explode and I wake up to the Lord saying I am gonna raise up a massive righteous women’s movement like in the days of Esther that will challenge the spiritual realm of the ideologies that are being put into this nation because you see you’ve got to understand this battle that we’re in.

I think she understood when Haman released the death decree he was using divination and witchcraft to tap into the demonic realm. I think Esther may have understood you can’t deal with the spirit of Ishtar. That is the spirit of Jezebel, that actually Haman is the, what’s the name of the word I’m using? The avatar.

He’s the human host carrying the demonic spirit. When people say don’t get involved in politics you’re giving away your grandchildren because spirits are actually influencing governmental leaders to release their ideologies. I think she understood you cannot deal with this realm only in the realm of politics.

You’ve got to deal with it in a three-day Esther fast. You break the spiritual power and that shatters the avatars influence and then you’ve got to go public and it’s not enough to pray and fast. You’ve got to take go public and you’ve got to go into the realm of the high places of the government.

You’ve got to go into the education systems. So when I meet Jenny Donnelly and God begins to stir with a vision of called don’t mess with our kids where the mama bears are gonna rise up and said you can’t have our kids going to the streets and we’re going to the public places. I think we’ve come to a point in America that if the church doesn’t stand and if the mama bears and Esther’s don’t rise up we’re gonna lose the nation.

We have led solemn assemblies over the years Dutch which Derrick Prince says in the crisis of nations it is united massive fasting and prayer that is the critical shifting points of history. Joel chapter 2, three day Esther fast. Those things shifted the spirit realm brought forth repentance show that the nation could go into a new day of awakening revival and reformation.

So 24 years ago we gathered 400,000 young people to fast and pray similar to promise keepers who did in 1997. We felt as the Lord was saying to us it’s not enough that the men went or the young people it’s time for the Esther’s to arise and on October 12th the day of atonement we’re calling a 10-hour solemn assembly fast on the day of atonement. Whole world is concerned with America we just got a phone call from a leader in in Asia who represents a hundred and ten million intercessors worldwide.

They called us and said we are concerned about America we’re concerned about the elections we’re gonna call a worldwide hundred ten million believers to fast and pray on September 22nd for America. Don’t let the world care about our nation more than we. Yeah then we’re calling 21 day of fast right into that day of atonement and we’re doing we’re believing we are believing that God is going to shift things in America and then we’re doing Reformation and we’re gonna do don’t mess with our kids and we’ll hold up the banners and declare the victory.

I believe that we entered in in July to four months before the harvest of what we’ve been believing fasting calling out to God for for our nation for our children. We are in a very important window and then he said if you remember on Flashpoint he said this kind cometh out but by not but byprayer and fasting. There’s a call to prayer and fasting that is part of this four-month window before our scheduled election and this is very very vital for us and you have to understand what he’s talking about I want to read a prophecy very quickly but when you look at what they’re talking about with women arising think about what happened with another example if we talk about Deborah and Judges 5. Judges 5 verse 2 says that when Israel’s leaders bravely led so inother words when there was national leaders that rose up it said the people willingly followed so you have brave leaders now we need the people to willingly follow.

Think about the condition of Judges 5 it took a mother to arise a common woman Deborah to arise at a time when the nation was in the same condition they didn’t know the name of their God they were choosing new gods they were no longer going down the maiden road they were going shortcuts and woke and pronouns there was no spear seen in Israel they lost their fight and and the other thing is they began to realize that they were getting off course until someone a common person arose I Deborah rose as a mother in Israel and it caused there to be a national restoration and I want to read you something I have some prophecies from 2017 I’m trying to track them Iwasn’t on my phone being rude I would never do that to this important moment so I kind of did a search real quick and I came I know there’s some from 2017 we’re talking about women gathering in Washington DC by the millions which this is 2000 this is 2019 this one is God says there should be mothers and women that shall gather even with fathers who will say we must come and wemust gather and we must come to a place of celebration of a new era in the place of Washington DC and God says this shall be a sign says the Lord of the restoration that should begin to come upon this country yeah so you can see and then you know what there’s another one but I’ll just anyway God was talking about how the masses will come by the millions and they’ll be getting to okay here’s one right here God says very look very closely for you will see masses and they’ll begin to gather across the United States this is 2020 and even the nations of the earth and I’ll say we will not go for these things that they are doing with our country with our nation and they’ll gather by the millions and there’ll be great masses that will arise and when this happens God says it will be a great pushback that will begin to bring a put it back into this country and it will happen to put it back it will come as a result of this in your schools it will come in your place of public because of those who will rise up in the masses that will shift this nation into the revival and the reform that I have promised so you are right in line with what God is saying at this time