TRANSCRIPT: Elon, Elon, an oak, a mighty oak, says the Lord. Indeed, as your name means, you have grown into a tall oak in the earth. However, says the Lord, as oak trees grow and their roots stretch across the land, their roots can become invasive in areas that were not meant to be breached by roots.

As so this has happened, Elon, as the mite grew, areas were breached that disturbed areas where forces of darkness were waiting for a door. We’re waiting for a time of opportunity, says the Lord. We’re waiting for what they created in the kingdom of darkness to have an open door to be pushed into the earth.

Yes, Elon, there is a kingdom of darkness, says the Lord. Advance beyond the technology you so have ushered in. And yes, Elon, there is the kingdom of almighty God in which I sit on the highest throne.

I, the Lord, make the earth my capital footstool. The earth is the Lord’s capital, Elon, and the fullness thereof. And, says the Lord of hosts, there is a fierce battle raging for your soul, Elon, a fierce battle.

You have questioned who I am, capitals, since your youth. You have questioned amidst the abuse and the darkness you dwelled in of your family’s own making as they summoned what never should have been summoned. And you questioned and cried out as a youth.

And I heard those cries and I bottled those tears. And you were given a mind as a visionary to see beyond what others can see. However, says the Lord, the enemy took that and influenced you in ways you are not even aware of but shall become very capital aware of in this season.

You, Elon, are on a fence of questions and hesitations. A fence you have balanced on for a time as your eyes began to open and the blindness removed in some areas, says the Lord. Thus, says the Lord, the sirens, the seducers you have laid with are meant to ensnare you, not to be a helpmeet to you of what I, the Lord, commissioned women to be.

I commissioned Eve to be for Adam. That snare must be broken, says the Lord, for it is a door of seduction and darkness meant to keep you in chains just enough to keep you away from the light. All capitals here.

My light, my word, Elon, my word that is living and active. My word that is a living and active word, says the Lord. I, the Lord, cannot be placed in a chip, in a link, in artificial intelligence.

All capitals. My essence, who I am, El Shaddai, Yahweh, the Lord of hosts, King of kings and Lord of lords. Adonai, my essence, my power, my spirit is unlike anything man can create.

For I am the creator, Elon. It is I who you seek. It is not the technology.

For the battle of AI is bubbling over, says the Lord. The battle of AI. Joshua had to consecrate himself before the Lord and go back to defeat AI.

That defeated him the first time. Because, all capitals, his camp was not right before the Lord. There is much deception in your camp, Elon.

And I, the Lord, can set you free. Hold on one second here. For AI and links and chips and electric cars cannot set you free.

It cannot save your soul. It cannot redeem you before me. This is all capitals.

My son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, is the redeemer in which you seek but have struggled to find. They are after you, Elon, to destroy you. And to take your children and raise them up for wicked exploits in the earth.

Using what you helped create to do such heinous things. Who are they? The kingdom of darkness, the destroyer. Those you broke rank with.

And even those in your camp who see you beginning to turn in ways that will hurt their interest and their plans. For those in your camp have made a pact with the inner councils shrouded by public conventions and faces that are merely there to shroud these councils. And, says the spirit of the Lord this day, this is the time.

It is urgent, Elon. Come on to me now. Stop trying to completely figure me out.

And stir the faith in yourself that has lied dormant due to all the layers of trauma through your life. Come on to me wholeheartedly and I will answer your questions in my time, capitals. Seek me while I may be found.

Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you, Elon. I am not a puzzle.

I am not the internal workings of a computer. I, the Lord, thy God, am a force, capitals, unlike any other. All capitals.

I am truth. I am spirit. I encompass the earth.

I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. I am he who liveth and died, and behold, I am alive forevermore. I am holy.

There must be rectification, says the Lord, for your life and soul are at stake. There must be. You have had dreams as of recent, dreams that puzzle you, dreams that have kept you up, dreams that I, the Lord, allowed you to have to stir you and call to you through the darkness and the noise, all capitals.

Elon, mighty oak, submit to your creator as your systems submit to you. Trees must be pruned, says the Lord. They must.

And there are areas of your life that are of oppressing matter to be pruned, says the Lord. There shall be a pruning in this season, and though some of it painful, it will lighten the heaviness that you carry, and the diseased branches, the twisted branches, the branches that have rebelled against me, that’s capital, the Lord God almighty, will be pruned in this season. It is this season it must happen, that’s capitals, to get you to turn unto me and go back and battle the very AI that is turning on you.

Joshua, Elon, Joshua, capitals. The book of Joshua, in my capital word. Man is but dust in my sight.

Without my spirit, this is capital, breathed into them, it is dust to dust. This is your warning for the sake of your children and protecting them from what’s coming. Come unto me, seek me, come off the fence unto me, capital, oh wholeheartedly, and I shall reveal great and mighty things to you in which you know not, and you shall feel, capitals, my presence and know the difference from the spirits that hover and brood over technology in the earth.

I am calling you now, answer such a call in this time, come under my wings, you take refuge, oh so come under my wings, my wings is capital, take refuge for the snare of the fowler has been put out to catch your legs and cause you to stumble. Come unto me, that’s capital, the Lord your God, Elon, your shepherd has gone out to find you and call you home. Answer the call, thus says the Lord of hosts in Jesus name.