So, for a while, I have been praying for the nation, for justice to be brought, for justice in the nation, everything, ever since Jesus came to me in a dream and showed me that nobody’s crying out for justice. We are now, obviously, but we were praying, Lord, do this, Lord, fix that, Lord, step in and all this other stuff, but we’ll be crying out for justice in those areas. So when we started crying out for justice, we started seeing reform.

So I’ve been praying and the Lord showed me that if we don’t continue to intercede, we’re going to see Kamala Harris win the election, win the election, okay? So we need to pray for that. And then we also need to pray because I was seeing that there would be a big kind of like nationwide rioting after the election. So I pray that that will be shut down right now.

But as I was praying, the Lord was showing me very specifically what we need to pray for. And there’s a couple of prayer points that I’ll share with you. I’ve got my phone over here.

That’s why I keep looking over here. So the Lord showed me that if we don’t press in, we’re in for some trouble. So we need to continue to pray for justice for this nation, okay? We need to pray specifically, he said, for these states, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, okay? So Lord, I pray that you bring justice into these states for voting integrity, et cetera.

In Arizona, in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Lord, bring justice in right now in Jesus’ name. Do what you need to do. Do what you have to do.

He said, pray for reforms at the boxes where you’ll be voting, for requirements for ID, and for programming reforms in the machines that the programs that… So what I’m seeing is, I feel like the Lord’s saying that we pray that there will be a necessary update or a reset, a reboot, whatever it is, something along those lines, where they all just reset back to their factory settings, and then they aren’t able to do what they were programmed to do as far as what happened in 2020, if you know what I mean, okay? So we’re not allowed to code talk, but I can say some things, right? All right. So we need to pray for ID and programming. So Lord, I pray that ID in these states will be taken, and also in Republican states, because they did it in every state.

It’s not like it was just the swing states, it was every state. So if you’re in any of the 50 states, please pray for justice to come in those areas, justice, especially before the elections, okay? We need to pray for their false tickets that they make to be destroyed by an act of God. And I’m talking about those ones that they have pre-filled out, stuck in bags, put under tables, in totes that you can’t see, but we have it on camera, and we can see, you know what I’m talking about? So we need to pray for those to be destroyed by an act of God, and the ones that are not destroyed to be exposed before the time of the count, okay? So we need that.

Also, we need to pray about all fake registrations and mailboxes that they are exposed and that they are stopped in the name of Jesus. So the Lord was also showing me how they were going to try and launch an attack to shut down some of the voting areas across the country in order to try and stop people from voting. And it will be suspiciously in places where there’s a higher Republican turnout, okay? Just a heads up, Arizona, okay? We need to pray for justice in these areas and to end these attacks now in the name of Jesus.

So Lord, I pray that justice comes right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Okay, so here’s a good one. I have two more things.

This is the Bitcoin one. While I was praying, I was in a car, I fell asleep. I saw the price of Bitcoin going up over, it was like $150,000, $125,000.

I couldn’t see it very clearly, but I saw there was six digits and it was kind of blurry. But what I did see was a parentheses, you know, like these little brackets that go at the end here. And I saw plus .87, I saw plus 87% growth.

Not just plus .87, less than 1%. It was plus 87% growth. That’s what the Lord specifically said.

I don’t know how far off this was, but I do know why the Lord shared this now, because this has been something that he’s done in the past. He shares this because there’s usually a big dump that’s coming, that the market’s going to take a big dump all around in the market in different categories. So I don’t know how far it was, but I did see that this increase had to do with Donald Trump and America investing American dollars into it, which was interesting.

I don’t know why we would put money into cryptocurrency unless we were switching from one physical currency to a digital currency. So something that we need to pray about now. After I was praying, I said, Lord, what would happen about what’s going to happen before this? Why are you showing me this? Because he does this because he wants to give people hope.

It sounds like it’s doom and gloom, but he’s trying to give people hope. And I saw another stock market scare coming. And here’s why.

There seemed to be a sudden loss of jobs over America that Biden had created. So these jobs that he supposedly created to help the economy, these minimum wage jobs that were apparently going to illegal immigrants. So how does that even help us if they’re not even paying taxes on it? Just saying.

He created these jobs in order to inflate his statistics because, you know, their regime is all about inflation, clearly. Like I said, in 2020, we’re not going to see hyperinflation, but we’ve seen high inflation. But in 2024, if we don’t pray and intercede as the church, as the body of Christ, you will see hyperinflation within that four years of of the camels, the Amalekites elections there.

Kamala, that’s her name, not camel. So you were going to see those jobs being exposed. They weren’t real jobs in the first place, but it’s going to be exposed that they don’t exist.

And so the Lord was showing me that he would expose their lies that they created in order to inflate their statistics and that you would see those jobs fall away rather drastically. But he was going to do this, allow this to happen so that Trump will be prepared for when he comes into office and all of a sudden those eight hundred and eighteen or million jobs that they created don’t exist anymore and they just go away. So then what happens? He comes into office and everything sinks and stinks because they set him up on purpose by inflating things, thinking that nobody was going to find out that it was never going to be exposed.

It will be exposed. This will be a setup to give Trump a chance to form a plan to recover the economy. However, the rapid exposure of this will scare some investors.

Just like they did, like we prophesied back in early July, I think it was July 3rd that they were going in before that, that they right before the Ripple settlement came out within like a week or two, you were going to see Bitcoin drop drastically, even called the price of it down to like some 50 some some odd thousand dollars where it dropped like ten thousand dollars all at once and everything just dropped off. But I said, don’t worry, they’re just doing that so that they can buy in and buy more at a cheaper price, that they were doing this on purpose. So don’t be scared and don’t sell off in the panic.

This is what they’re going to try and do again with the stock stuff. So it’s something they will literally they have control over the markets to such a degree that they can do that unless we pray and interceded. OK, I actually the Lord did talk to me about that today while I was praying and I was like, how come the price hasn’t just shot up through the roof right now? And he said, because the big investors are waiting to make sure that the SEC is not going to file another suit, another counter suit in order to stop XRP from being used.

But he said, don’t worry, XRP is there’s not going to be. They’re not going to stop them from being able to be used on other platforms.