September 4, 2024, 6:34 am

This morning, I woke up with the Holy Spirit burning in me.

As I got up and went into prayer, He gave me this word.

It has been a very intense time for those behind the scenes.

We are in VERY serious times.

Things are about to get real!

Your lives are about to be changed forever.

Things as you have known them are about to be turned upside down and inside out.

You will never be the same.

No one is going to come out of this the same.

No one.

Do not think that I am unaware.

I have counted every grain of sand.

I have set the waters in place.

I have created heaven and earth and there is nothing outside of My power and dominion.

Yet, I have given man, free will.

The greatest gift I could give.

It is your choice as to whom you will serve.

I am not going to force anyone to serve me.

That is up to you.

The choice is yours as to how close you want to be to me.

This is what it makes our relationship so beautiful.

It is my desire to walk closely in intimacy with each of my children.

It grieves my heart that so many not only reject me but have turned to great evil and darkness.

For even now, they scheme and plot among the Nations as to greater means of destruction towards Me and my people.

They will stop at nothing in the path of evil, death and destruction that is in their hearts.

Do not be deceived.

This is a spiritual battle first and foremost.

Light vs Darkness.

They will sugar coat it, lie and twist everything they can to hide behind and justify their evil plans and actions.

Let me tell you this; there is nothing I am not aware of, and nothing that is a surprise to me.

What is coming is of Biblical proportions.

You have never seen anything like this before and you will never see it again.

By the time this is done, there will be a clean slate.

I will take what is coming and I will level every evil dark and demonic structure that has been used to suppress, kill and destroy my people.

They have their plans, AND I HAVE MINE!

I am exposing these very dark and evil plots and plans right here, and right now to those whom I have put into place at this time in history to lead in the Nations.

Let me be clear, these ones cannot do one thing on their own, but with Me we together shall take out these evil regimes.

All the evil ones have built shall be as NOTHING!

I am wiping the slate clean.

I have called you to tear down and to rebuild with me.

I am releasing new Kingdom Governance in this hour.

No longer driven by religious and political spirits and mind sets, no longer controlled by Luciferians.

They are finished.

I am destroying all that they have had, they shall no longer hold the purse strings and control as they have in the Nations.

The time is at hand for the release of My Wealth. The Gold is Mine, the Silver is Mine !

I have wealth and resources that you know not of!

And it is time for it to be released.

It shall be used to rebuild in truth and righteousness.

There is a displacement of Governance that is at hand.

I am establishing a rebirthing far greater than you ever imagined possible!

America the Great, America the Beautiful, you play the leading role!

What I have called you to is no small thing. It is going to everything with in you to stand and advance what I have entrusted you with.

I am strengthening the resolve with in you today for the days that are ahead.

It is not going to easy, nor have I promised it to be so.

However, I have promised you that I will be with you every step of the way, and I keep My word!

You are going to see things you never thought you would see in your lifetime.

Rest assured, as you walk with Me, I will give you the strength, wisdom and faith to not only make it through but to get things done!

I will show you the way. I will be the light unto path.

Raise your shields.

Lock them together.

Put aside those things that inhibit the unity I have called you to.

Settle accounts one with another.

Close the back doors.

Remove the landing strips.

Give no room for the enemy to gain a foothold.

I give grace to the humble, and I resist the proud.

Now is not the time to play games.

The cost is too high.

Leave the hard hearted to me.

Re-establish boundaries.

You can only do what you can, not every heart will turn.

You are only responsible for your actions.

Do not get caught up in the weeds.

It is a much bigger picture I assure you!

Fill your lamps with oil. Don’t rely on the oil of others, you need to get your own!

Now is the time to let your light shine.

The days of hiddenness are behind you.

It is time to come forward.

It is time to lay it all down in surrender to Me.

It is time to follow me with all your heart, soul and spirit and as you surrender you will walk in my favour not only through these days but all the days of your life!

Holy is the word of the Lord.


Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer