TRANSCRIPT: He said, I want you to go back and I want to speak to you about Rosh Hashana to Rosh Hashanah this time. He said, this is the beginning of the glory. This is the beginning of what you’ve waited for for so long.

And then he talked about a great harvest of souls coming from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah. You will see first the blade, then the ear, and then the corn concerning this. For the greater harvest of the glory that you have wanted for so long will come.

First the blade, then the ear, and then the full corn. You will see it. You will see it.You will see it. He said this. And he said, this is a time of refreshing, a time of surrender, a time of rest, a time of healing, a period to fully let go and prepare for the new cycle ahead.

This is what he said. Out of fear, this is what he talked about the Democratic Party and the evil over the United States of America. There will be an event that will shake the USA.There will be an event that will shake the USA. Out of fear to control, they will lose control, is what the Lord said. He said the seeds, he said, for the seed time and harvest will have come to its fullest.

You will see this happen. Seed time and harvest will come to its fullest in these days ahead. You will see this.The seeds they have sowed in the past will come to harvest finally at last. And then he started talking to me about a great humbling. A great humbling will come.An uprising there will be. Weeping and they will be very sad. And people will say, what did we do?

And you will see it and you will see it.They will be an exposing of darkness. There will be an exposing of great darkness in the Democratic Party. And when this happens, the very snake they thought they controlled will turn on them.And I saw that big python that I told you all about in the past coming at their faces. Lashing out.Striking.Striking. Striking. It was striking them.

Striking them. Striking them. And it was coming.I saw an exposing. I saw embarrassing moments coming from Kamala Harris. I saw things that were done in the past that she thought she had buried.And were no longer a problem. Resurfacing out of things that she has done. Several incidences from things that were dirty.

Things that were very embarrassing. To the point where I heard her saying out of her mouth, I should have never ran. I should have never put my foot in this.Because it was things that were very humiliating. Humiliating was coming. I saw very humiliating things coming.

Things that was not one to be. And people leaked it. And I’m talking, there’s corruption in the Republican side and the Democratic side.People think, well the Republicans are sanctimonious folks. There’s corruption on the Democrats and corruption on the Republicans. And there’s going to be exposings of things.

Exposing. And I saw people, I saw women, I saw different ethnic groups. That had blinders on their eyes.And when these things start to manifest, the blinders will fall off their eyes. And I saw them becoming enlightened. It was similar to whenever you see somebody that’s bewitched.

That they have a spell over them and they don’t even realize it. They have a demonic band wrapped around their mind. That they are being underneath a spell.And I saw a breaking of this. And them being set free. I saw their minds becoming enlightened.

And when this happens, they were furious. Because the eyes of their understanding were enlightened. Ephesians 1.18 And when this happens, there will be people wanting to have lynch bombs, rioting, pillaging.

We are upset about how we were lied to. Because darkness, they tried to deceive everyone. Will come out into the open for what’s about to come.

And they will not be able to hide back from the things that they have sown. There was an exposing. An exposing in the financial realm.An exposing in the natural realm. You’ll see this. You’ll see it.You’ll see it. Watch this. I saw Jerome Powell again.

And I saw him taking like Jenga pieces. I saw a Jenga tower. A great Jenga tower.And I saw him pulling from the middle of the Jenga tower. And he was watching as he pulled. You know, as you push the little piece.He was watching as he pulled the little piece. And he would see if it would fall. And so all of a sudden I saw in the vision going straight to the middle of the Jenga tower.

And all the tower was fully built up here. But in the middle, there was no foundation. It was only on one block.

And that block fell. And all of it crumbled before them. Okay, it was awful.And everybody was panicking. And I saw Wall Street and I saw all the day traders panicking in Wall Street. And they were selling and selling.It was chaos in Wall Street. Everybody just freaking out. I could see them freaking out.

And I could see the storm over New York. And the Lord showed me great darkness. But then he said to me, Everything will change in a 24 hour period.

Everything will change in a 24 hour period. It will be just like that. Similar to how 9-11 took place.It will be a lot like what happened with 9-11. I saw a change of things happening in a 24 hour period. And everything that was would be no more.

A change that happens that fast. I don’t know when this takes place. But I know that when it does,It will change everything within a 24 hour period.

I saw the wealth of the sinner laid up for the righteous. I saw a great supernatural harvest of finances from the sinner laid up to the righteous. When this takes place, it will be similar to the children of Israel leaving Israel and getting the wealth from the Egyptians.

That this will be a type and shadow of what God is going to do in this generation before he takes us out with the rapture of the church. That we will have the wealth of the sinner laid up for the righteous. And the Lord said it will be a type and shadow of this event.

That God said, I will provide for my beloved.