I’m letting you hear sounds, says the Lord, from the other side. The other side? Yes. The other side of the Red Sea.

The other side. Drawing you to your promised land. I’m letting you hear sounds, says the Lord, from the other side.

sounds when this war with Pharaoh ends. I’m letting you hear the sounds now so that you can get used to them because I’m going to call you with another sound when you get on the other side and you’re going to hear something as you walk toward the Jordan to make your crossing. You must be strengthened from this point on so that when you cross the Jordan and you come to the brink you don’t turn back for 40 years.

You cross on over and say we’re well able to take the land. We are well able for giants will not consume us on that side. We’ve already come from the land of that side and we are not going to be driven by tyrants any longer.

We’re not going to be driven by the lash. We’re moving toward our promises. Listen to the sound.

You can hear the sound. If you listen, it’s a different sound to the sound. Listen to the sound.

If you listen, I will start off by letting you hear it in October and I will carry it through November but I will carry it through December. December will scream and it will scream and the voice of January will grow loud and the voice of January will shout and scream for a new beginning, a brand new start and there will be low growls of slithering serpents as they come along the ground to try to undermine February. But nay, says the Lord, they will not undermine February for February will be the month you step on the heads of the serpents.

February will be that time and in the spring I will bring a refreshing. In the spring it will be March, march, march and march Hear the sound march, march, march March will bring forth the april Get used to the sound For summer is coming Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming, Summer is coming Hamas, we’ll see no more, I will drown Hamas by the seashore Egypt, Egypt, you were warned, you were warned, not once but several times Back up, back up, back your ass up Egypt, are you listening, are you listening? Iran, Iran, Iran will have new leadership And my revival will swell to three quarters of the population.

What of Israel, what of Israel? Do I have to say, says the Lord, Israel is mine Israel is mine and I will give and add to their land For when they come out of this one this time, they will control more than they did before going in What about all the wrong in Israel, someone says What about it? Well, what about the wrong, God?

I have dealt with Israel Israel talks to me, says the Lord, not to you You, beware and take care how you speak comfortably to Jerusalem For I will weigh you there I will bring you into the valley of Jehoshaphat and weigh you there, O nations of the earth For those judges, those judges in the United Nations court You thought you were some kind of power I will judge you now, says the Lord, for you have sown the seeds to be judged I will spare my people in Switzerland.

But I will deal with powers that be You should have never thought to subvert me, says the Lord These are strong words, yes, strong words But they attempted to bind Samson with fetters, ropes But he shouted and I came upon him And they were broken as if they were nothing I’m going to give the power of Samson to Israel And one, one, one will kill a thousand with the jawbone of a donkey Hear the mystery when it’s said donkey The jawbone of an ass will be used against the enemies Whoa, yes, tearing off the gates of Gaza Tearing off the gates of Gaza.

What about Russia? Russia wants the same thing right now Hear the bell? The bell is tolling again For whom the bell tolls You could attack my prophet Netanyahu Why would you think that you could undermine my land?

I know who you are and I know what you want But you will die in your sleep, you will just not wake up For whom the bell tolls It tolls for leaders in Iran It tolls for those who are cruel with no mercy It tolls for the future, not many days hence Hear the bell as it tolls, it still tolls And then there’s Pence.

Decisions of time Decisions you know nothing of says the Lord Are being made in private Decisions What’s going on, prophet? Heaven’s talking Heaven’s talking from tomorrow And the breath of life is coming into today Decisions are being made So don’t be quick to judge For they will decide in the eleventh hour What will happen next