TRANSCRIPT: My children, the professional liars in your capital are about to be caught in a massive cover-up and a great deception they tried to conceal so that no one would know what was really going on in the White House or any of your governmental buildings. 

These treasonous traitors and deceivers thought they could cover up the biggest scandal in your Nation’s history and get away with this crime right in front of the Nation. This cover-up is about to be exposed by someone in Washington who will no longer stay silent on what truly happened to “the Biden.” Leaks are about to be made regarding his health. So many have tried to hide them, but there will be no hiding “the Biden” and what is really going on with his residency, says the Lord. 

Washington is hiding a death that will not stay buried, and when this death is revealed, it will bring shock waves to the Nation. 

Another laptop is about to surface. It will destroy the establishment and its narrative about what has really been going on and who is actually running this Nation. As you can see, it is not a person, but a machine designed to govern whether a president is in that seat or not. This laptop will cause your enemies to go into a panic no one has ever seen. Their media outlets will not be able to spin this narrative enough to cover it up. They are in for total mayhem, and it is about to hit Washington. 

My children, I will say this again: the October surprise will come early this year, one that no one expects. It will make the establishment grow in desperation and fear, realizing they are losing the war over this country. This October surprise will bring great devastation to the establishment

Another puppet will slip up, and catastrophic failure will be seen. This new puppet is about to be worse than the last one was for Washington. They would have been better off with “the Biden.” You will hear this reported in the news after the next fall and missteps of Kamala. 

Things are not good in Washington. There is great tension among the puppet masters and others regarding the puppet’s performance in front of the cameras, and it will get much worse. There is no preparation big enough for this upcoming debate. It will shake them to their core when Donald Trump takes down another puppet. 

A setup is happening with this debate. Switching out a puppet will not be enough to save the establishment from the truth that will destroy another puppet and their candidacy. After another disastrous debate for the Washington elites, a keyword will be given to set off a chain of events meant to rattle this Nation. 

I told you, My children, you are living in unprecedented times, and unprecedented things are about to be seen. This should not bring fear to you but faith, knowing that I have given you this news before it takes place. 

There is a war going on, and not just any war—a cyber war, a war of disinformation, viruses, the fall of the stock market, terrorist attacks, attacks on your food supply, and attacks on your mind and health. I have warned you these events will be unprecedented. And when the foreign invaders do not accomplish what the establishment fully wanted, war will descend upon Washington between the invaders and the establishment. Mayhem is about to hit your capital like you have never seen. 

I told you I was drawing the wolves out of their cages, not for them to destroy you but for them to be destroyed. Your enemies are about to take the bait and uncover many people. Many things are about to explode in Washington because people are willing to turn against the establishment and make deals with others to save themselves from the upcoming defeat of a body of people designed to destroy this country. 

Many people are leaving Washington to join the ranks on the other side knowing that the writing is on the wall about who is going to win this war. It is not the establishment. 

Another major player that helped the establishment cheat in elections is about to step forward and choose Donald Trump and save this Nation from the elites. This person will bring shock waves to the capital because they know this person has a lot of proof against many in the establishment that will annihilate many in powerful positions in Washington. 

My children, things are about to shake violently in this Nation to save you from the death shot against this country that they were just about to take. 

Get ready for shock after shock, wave after wave, exposure after exposure, and much truth and proof that will end the elites and their machine in Washington. 

The end of this war against this Nation is approaching, and this is when things will look much worse. So, hold on to My Words closely, and you will remain in My peace and rest, knowing that this is not impossible to get out of and that it is not bigger than Me. My children, the Lord of Hosts is here to end your opponents and to end the destruction of this Nation. My Hand is moving against them. I am your deliverer, and I will not fail, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Your government has left the door open for multiple different types of attacks, which has left this Nation very vulnerable to a hostile takeover in more ways than one. Do not fear what you are about to hear. Remember, the days of Haman are here. Your enemies are more vulnerable to an attack against them now more than ever. You will see who is with Me and who is not. 

A great fall is coming in Washington that they will not recover from. A whistleblower against the elites is about to emerge exposing the vulnerability of this Nation. And it will be a death blow to the establishment and to some of their plans that they were just about to pull off. 

My children, your enemies are not staying in Washington or any place where they have power. I will rip them out from where they do not belong, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Martin Scorsese will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Hollywood is about to be shaken like never before.