TRANSCRIPT: September 8, 2024

I laid down this afternoon for a rest, I had put on some soaking worship music and fell sound asleep. I was startled and jumped wide awake when I heard my name being called. I nearly jumped out of my skin. To be clear I was all alone in the accommodations I am staying in, so I am sure it was in the spirit, no one else was around. It took a few minutes for my heart rate to go down, and thankfully I was able to fall back asleep.

As I fell back into a sound sleep, I was taken into the Spirit and this is what happened, so once again, I share with fear and trembling and in obedience to the Lord.

Prophetic Encounter:

I knew by the Spirit I was on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada near Comox.

I was taken in, flying in like a drone over a paved side road and shown a caravan of a dozen or so, new olive-green SUVs with blacked out windows. There were accompanied by a half a dozen black motorcycles. They had black police/military uniforms. I did not see any badges or patches on them.

The SUVs had no plates, flags or any other identification upon them.

They were on route to sit down and meet with Justin Trudeau and his inner circle.

It was a delegation of Chinese and deep state leaders.

I watched as they arrived at a guarded facility.

They entered in and got settled into a meeting room. It was only a few minutes before Justin Trudeau showed up. He had been called up on the carpet.

He was summoned to meet with them once again for some hard words.

He was their pawn.

They owned him.

He was there being told how things were going to go, he was being told what he was required to do.

This was unnegotiable.

I watched as he was given a set of files.

One by one they were handed over with instructions as to what he was called to do to roll them out.

The first file was another lock down plan.

It would be harder than the first time around. Another wave of a fear-based pandemic was on the table. A clear attack upon Canadian citizens was in hand. This had the fingerprints of WHO all over it.

The second file was regarding the plans being released to enlist and engage immigrants into and through the Canadian Military. They were not yet Canadian citizens, nor did they have to be. They were being positioned for very nefarious agendas. I knew by the spirit that they were going to be used and deployed into the nation for enforcement of evil government policies by a rouge tyrannical government.

I also saw that there was also a subplan to weaponize other immigrants by other means with evil intent through out the Nation.

I watched as they gave Justin Trudeau a third file.

This one came in a briefcase that was immediately handcuffed to him.

They didn’t talk about it there in that meeting that I saw.

My impression was he had been pre-briefed on this one.

This one was highly ultra restricted.

I had ice cold chills running up and down my body as I saw this.

This was the big one.

The plan of last resorts.

Trudeau gladly accepted the files and assignment, and made it clear they could trust him to play his part.

I was then taken by the Spirit again, and I found myself in a back room meeting with high level NATO and Cabal leaders.

I quickly realized that I was in the Ukraine.

They had Zielinski on the carpet.

They were putting the screws to him.

I knew that he had not complied with something he was told to deploy by these ones and they were not happy.

It was a move so massive that it would shake the Nations.

The action they assigned him was farther than Zielinski wanted to go. It was beyond what he had signed up for, but they owned him, and they would deploy the plan with or without him and regardless he would be blamed for it.

This one was way beyond him.

He had no power to stop it.

If and when it was deployed Russia would be forced to respond with an enormous heavy strike back. Not only regionally but internationally.

The deep state cabal was desperate knowing their days were numbered and they were going to try to destroy anything in their way and all evidence they have fought for so long to hide.

As I got up and was recording this encounter, the Lord dropped a word on me:

Barry, tell my people it is showtime! You are about to see that there is nothing that is not interconnected!

Do not comply!

Do not bow!

Let it be known that I am making the curtain call!

The bad actors are being exposed once and for all, for all to see!

Let me assure you that they have had their day!

They are on a slippery slope!

They are on thin ice!

The shake down and shake up is upon you.

You are no longer playing by ordinary rules!

Things are not going to be turned in the way you expect!

You will not change things at the polls!

It is much bigger than that!

The moves they are about to make are to prevent that from happening!

There is a revolution and reformation upon you to bring you freedom that will change things forevermore.

Again, I say unto you there are things coming that you have never seen before on a Biblical scale!

It must be so, in order to root out and destroy the evil, demonic powers and regimes that have held you captive.

They have wicked intentions to hurt and destroy My people, and enough is enough!

It is time for My remnant to bear down and take back the land that the enemy has stolen!

The days of your apathy and avoidance must come to an end.

I can save by many, or I can save by a few! However the day is coming where you will stand before me and will be held to account of not only what you have done, but as well what you did not do.

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Let him who has ears hear.

For you have called upon My name to come.

You have called for My fire.

And when it is here you have not recognized it!

Once again, examine your hearts.

Come to the altar. Seek My face and My heart, and I will forgive every sin and wash it away. It will be as far as the east is from the west. I will fill you afresh. I will empower you. I will protect you. I will provide for you. And you will have all you need in Me!

For great and mighty are My ways, and the day is coming where you will understand these mysteries!

The Jubilee that is coming is greater than you have ever imagined!

Trust me, when I tell you that the very best days are coming!

Truth is coming!

Justice is coming!

Healing and Deliverance are coming!

New governance is coming!

Freedom is coming!

The harvest is at hand!

Holy is the word of the Lord!


Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer