TRANSCRIPT: The first thing that I heard when I was praying today was that there will be a crypto boom. What I actually heard was the voice of a man speaking and he said crypto go boom and then the Lord showed me a vision and showed me that there would be a short sell-off of crypto followed by a massive bull run which begins on the new moon.

Actually he said something was going to happen on the harvest moon which I had to look up. The harvest moon is tonight so let’s see what happens tonight. So I don’t know if tonight is the drop or if it’s the increase so we’ll see.

I asked the Lord what things will look like financially next year going into next year and he said there will be slow growth but it will grow like a fire. It will start small and slow and it will take the ruach to fan the flames but it will burn like a roaring fire. So that’s great.

Hopefully that doesn’t mean our finances are gonna break up. I hope I’m not misinterpreting that. Let’s just take it for what it is.

Alright. The Lord said get ready to see the experts saying that there will be an XRP bull run and even now some are saying that. This is a signal to the elite who are planning to strike and try to topple Ripple and sink XRP.

Many have been waiting for this and you will see a massive spike in value. Okay. There will be a big run on Bitcoin soon that will take it back to close to $80,000 again.

What I saw was it went back up to $74,000 and it was up there for quite a bit. Again I have to say this because people say well it’s a false prophecy. When I say $74,000 and give you an exact number what I’m giving you is a reference point of around about that area.

So it could probably it will probably be over $74,000. Okay. Now it could be higher than that but that’s the number that I saw.

So that’s what I’m saying. Okay. Let’s see.

I saw troops headed back into Afghanistan but that did not look like they were Americans. Their uniforms were slightly different and kind of felt like it was Russia or something like that. But I was as I was looking into the vision I saw the military group began to wage war within Afghanistan and I’m not sure if that was ISIS or if it was Taliban.

I think it was actually ISIS but I’m not a hundred percent certain on that. It could have been either one and they began to wage war in Afghanistan again and I had a feeling for some reason Russia was involved in this. Russia wants Afghanistan back.

Leadership changes are coming to Brazil. The Satanists in charge will soon be deposed by miraculous intervention. The truth will be exposed.

Pray for the Brazilian people so that they will not suffer when sanctions are put on that nation due to the violent retaliation and civil unrest that’s coming. That was a hard one. Okay now here’s last but not least.

I prayed and several times I heard that there will be an attempt on Kamala Harris’s life and that we needed to pray for her safety and a very strong feeling that they were actually trying to set this up themselves to say this is a radical mega extremist and this is why we need gun control because these radical mega extremists. I just want to point out how it’s very interesting that both of these attempted assassinations are people who were featured in blackrock commercials. Both of them.

You see their faces clear as day. Look it up. It’s not a conspiracy.

It’s like that officer in Florida said this is a bigger conspiracy to try and take out Trump that needs to be addressed. Guess who’s not gonna do it? The Feds. So it has to come down to the local police interceding and intervening.

Alright that’s all. Love you guys. Be blessed.