TRANSCRIPTS: My children, what you are about to see take place in this Nation is unlike anything you have ever seen, and there is nothing to compare it to. (It will be a) very tumultuous time, a time of confusion, not knowing what is real and what is fake, a time when the war your enemies have put you in will end abruptly. And how this war ends will be unprecedented and shocking.   

This does not just involve the United States government. You have foreign nations ready to engage in this war against this Nation and its freedoms to stop the collapse of the world elites, their globalist plan, and all their agendas. These foreign nations are willing to attack the United States to stop My David from taking back the president’s seat. The establishment does not want him there, and other foreign nations and their leaders also do not want him there. They know he will tear apart their global financial charade and their control over the world. 

NATO will be decimated. BRICS will collapse. The World Health Organization will be ripped apart. The World Economic Forum will be annihilated. And the old guard around the world will fall apart. 

My children, you are not just fighting the Deep State and the establishment in this Nation; you are fighting against leaders of many nations all over the world. The United States is their gold medal, their ultimate prize—to destroy freedoms worldwide, to bring in the One World Government—that every person will have to bow down to them, serve them, and be enslaved to their system. 

It is not that time. Your enemies are trying everything to stop My Glory from falling and the greatest revival in history from taking place. That would set them and their plans back so far they could not see an opportunity to regain this type of power globally again. It is not an option for them, and that is why what happened in 2020 is nothing compared to what they have planned for now. There is no scenario (in their minds) where My David can walk back into that White House and tear apart what they have been working on for over 100 years

The original architects of this global regime are not even around to see it come to pass, and no one they have passed this down to will either. Their system is being torn apart by Me, says the Lord.   

My children, that is why I need you strong. I need you to fight like never before in the spirit. You are coming up against something that will try to knock you off your feet, never to get back up again. That is why My Words are so important—to tear apart your enemies’ plans against you and bring them to nothing. 

Your enemies do not want you in My Word. That is why they have brought more distractions and chaos on a scale never seen. My children, this is your enemies’ end game, so they will do anything and everything to change the outcome of this Nation. The road ahead will be very bumpy, hard, and long, it may seem, but I promise you that I am lifting you up above your enemies, and I am shattering and completely destroying them before you. 

This is not the time to grow weary but to receive My strength like never before. I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh more in this time than I have in times past because you have never needed it more. These giants you are up against are fierce and strong, but they are not stronger or bigger than Me, and I am in you. So, stand up and fight like never before. These giants will be uprooted and annihilated before your very eyes, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Hezbollah will be in your news for a shocking reason—an attack on Israel and an attack against the United States. Who paid for these attacks will be exposed. More of your taxpayer money, oh United States, has funded your enemies. When the books are opened in this Nation, many will be shocked and appalled at what this Nation’s money went toward. 

My children, the United States budget has been a farce and a lie. The account records money trails are about to be exposed (to show) where all the money went. Follow the money, and you will see the architects who really run this Nation. 

My children, the establishment is about to be put on full display. Many think it is Obama who runs everything, but who pulls his puppet strings will be exposed as well. 

I, the Lord, will bring down BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. These giants that have controlled and manipulated markets, corporations, and nations will be brought to nothing. They are helping your leaders in Washington take out My David and are trying to bring the death of this Nation. I will open the books and show you everything they have had their hands in, including Hollywood, child sex trafficking across the globe, civil unrest, and collapsing governments and financial systems worldwide. I will show you the secret societies and how they are also part of these. 

My children, I am ready to show the world the architects of the establishment, the architects of the markets, the architects of disease and deadly viruses, the architects of governments around the globe, the architects of the news media—every architect of the seven mountains of influence. I will show, expose, and rip them all from their places of power as I did with Pharaoh in Egypt. 

Get ready for the markets and everything they designed to collapse, to bring them into complete annihilation. That is why I have said to stand strong. The time of great shaking is here to shake this system, to collapse the system, and to bring it to nothing. Their ruling and enslaving the world is over, says the Lord of Hosts. 

This is the time for My Church to arise and for your enemies to be scattered, saith the Lord your Redeemer.