TRANSCRIPT: I, the Lord, this day, I am telling you, My children, that your enemies are stepping up in every way to interfere with this election, in every way to stop this Nation from being independent from the world’s system, in every way to stop you from becoming strong and free as a Nation and as a people. 

My children, your enemies are up to no good. This type of evil has intensified to another level against you. They are about to do something unprecedented in this Nation against My David and the American people. They will continue to show their desperation and how evil they are. You will see more of them revealing themselves in front of the cameras (showing) just how evil they can be. They will say things they never intended to say and give themselves away. 

Your enemies are terrified of losing. They are terrified of the truth because it will bring down everything that they have spent so much time building to destroy this Nation and the world’s freedoms. 

My children, something big is coming from Iran. Something is coming from China. Something big is coming from Ukraine. Something is coming that the establishment will allow to happen. 

The year 2024 is not done bringing shock and awe. It is not done shaking. It is not done with the unprecedented and unconventional events that I told you are coming, and they are picking up pace now. Everything is picking up speed, and the closer you get to this election and their defeat that seems inevitable, the more petrified your enemies become. 

Attacks are coming from all directions. Attacks will become more frequent and damaging, but more destruction will be seen against your enemies. The more they try against you, the more they will fail. The more they move forward, pursuing you and their goal, the farther they will be from it. 

The establishment is failing to keep up their end of the bargain to keep Trump from taking back the presidency. Nations are becoming more agitated and nervous about him stepping back in and stopping their Ponzi scheme, their money flow, and their control over the world. 

China will make a move against the establishment that will allow evidence to trickle out from the traitors in Washington, but I will intervene, and instead, it will pour out like a flood. “Lord, why would China do that? Why would they turn on the establishment if they are working with them?” Because they want to weaken the leadership of this Nation and then swoop in and take it over. But China will not get what they desire out of this style of attack because I have infiltrated them, and as they expose the swamp, I will expose China. 

Oh, how the mighty will fall. The ones that thought they were so powerful are not powerful at all. There are kinks in their plans. Disruptions and confusion are growing. 

The puppet is failing faster now. Neither of the puppets can be trusted to speak out in the open. Look at what they will do against the new puppet. Devastation is coming to the left because they realize that the more they have her out in the open, the more people will turn against her, and the more people will see the truth. 

Get ready for panic in DC when they see that Me and My Hand are against them. They are falling faster now. My children, keep praising because it is working. Your enemies are coming down, and soon you will see them no more, saith the Lord of Hosts.