TRANSCRIPT: Now, I wanted to hear what God had to say about the tribunals. I’ve heard about the tribunals before, and I wanted His words, so this is what God told me about the tribunals. The tribunals are real.

They’ve been happening for some time now, and many of the evil ones were already rounded up and taken to a tribunal. They were given a legal court hearing, and military justice was executed there. There are others still wreaking havoc, and they will be herded up in one night and escorted to tribunals.

Military justice will be swiftly executed, and for many, the charges are treason against the U.S., and the punishment is execution. It has happened for some, but others are still here wreaking havoc. The evidence is coming, and will be a major shock to mainstream USA.

Only a small portion of you are looking for information as compared to the masses of people in the United States, so be ready, as many are going to be devastated at the names and faces blasted on the airways with the heinous crimes they have committed. The evidence in each case is quite staggering, and I told you the evil ones will be gone. Gone as in gone.

Some are already gone, and the rest will be too. Things are going to come out besides military tribunals. Much exposure of people you trusted to lead our government will pour out.

You must trust me that I am putting men and women in authority who will truthfully lead the country and reestablish the land of the free and the home of the brave. Those in your life who have fought with you over Trump are going to be dismayed, shocked, and in disbelief. Some will never expect, excuse me, some will never accept their heroes were despicable evil criminals.

Some will never accept that what is rolling out is the truth. The truth is rolling out, and I told you, I am ridding you of all the evil ones. Do not argue with the doubters.

Show them love as your savior did. Be gentle and kind as the shock is going to be greater than some can take. This is part of my master plan, and I have good, trusted soldiers working in plain sight carrying out this mission.

There will be much more that will happen, and more you will learn. Come to me with your questions. Trust me and my son.

I am setting the USA free, and this will free the other countries of the world. Be brave, my children, and fear not as my plans are the best. I did not lead any of the evil ones down the path.

They chose it knowing the consequences. Some left screaming and fighting, and some left crying and begging, and some came to me in the final moment, and I gave them mercy as they repented for their sin. I love all and want none to perish.

I am the great I am, and I am love. I am mercy, and I extend forgiveness to all who sincerely repent. Do you need to repent? Come to me.

Spend time with me, and I will help you. Truly repent with sincerity, and you will be forgiven. It is a promise, and I am a promise keeper always.

Now sit tight and stay tuned. The ride has already begun. I love you with an everlasting heart, Abba Father.