I, the Lord, am telling My children that the architects who are left here to see the completion of the New World Order and their puppets are consumed with fear and rage. They are seeing their plans go up in smoke. They are seeing that what they have been preparing for all this time is not working. Now, plans will have to be made that they are not prepared to implement yet because they are not finished finalizing them. 

But your enemies will have to go with them anyway because they see their pride and joy, their jewel of all the nations, the United States, slipping through their fingers. They know that if they cannot complete the death of this Nation, it will be the death of their New World Order. For them, this is not an option. Your enemies will make a tremendous amount of mistakes moving forward with these plans, and it will expose more of their crimes and the criminals they truly are. It will just further their destruction on a global scale. 

The globalists and the establishment are blaming Trump and the MAGA movement. They are so driven by fear and desperation they will do anything against this movement, even if they must focus on completely shutting it down in any way possible. They are willing to do the unthinkable, even if it means some of their own will be caught in the crossfire. It does not matter to them as long as they can bring death to America and to the MAGA movement. 

My children, your enemies see you, but they do not see Me, (the One) Who defends and protects you. They will take greater movements against you, but it is nothing to fear because I am here to deliver you from their hands. They will try disaster upon disaster, plagues, financial calamity, and death, everything they can to intimidate you into submitting to their power. They want you to be afraid so they can enslave you even more. 

But, My children, do not fear what you are about to hear from your enemies. They will say many words. They will take action against you, but it is nothing against Me. They will try to shut everything down again, but I am shutting them down—their machine, their global reset, their global dominance of the nations. I am shutting down every plan and every person. 

This is the time when things are going to intensify in unprecedented ways. Your lives are about to feel much different. Your minds will tell you there is no hope of escaping the New World Order or their control over your nations. But remember Who I am. When everything seems to turn upside down, I am turning it right side up. 

You will see leaders come out with greater boldness than they had before. You will see more stand by My David’s side. People of great wealth and influence that you would not have expected will choose President Trump. Many are seeing the globalist agenda and how it will affect their pockets and finances, so they are changing sides. 

Shockwaves are coming in the political realm against the globalists and their puppets. The puppet masters will be unmasked and exposed. They will lose their power and everything they have held on to. 

My children, watch their precious establishment slip from their fingers even more because the ones they chose to be in the White House are messing up their plans. Both puppets are failing at what they are assigned to do. Chaos is coming to the White House and the establishment as more in Kamala’s camp turn on her in ways they never thought. There is a great divide in the White House on who is making decisions. It is escalating. Tempers are flaring, and anger is growing against their own. I told you that great betrayal is coming. Your enemies are turning on their own, fighting for more power. You will see them defeat themselves in unprecedented ways. 

So, get ready to see Washington and all who are a part of this establishment show themselves more and more as this Nation turns more against them. Their next moves against you and My David will be unprecedented and unconventional. This election is not going as they planned. So, watch and see what they do against their so-called precious democracy, which is a farce and a sham. 

Your enemies do not care about what is fair or what is true. They are liars and thieves, and they will pay a high price for the crimes they have committed against you. 

So, hold on. Their desperation will be more obvious with what they try next, but nothing they do will be successful. So, stand up against the globalists. Stand up against this establishment. Stand up with My Words and My power that I have given to you. 

You will witness the destruction of the ones against you. So, get ready for the pharaohs of today to fall like the pharaohs of yesterday. I am here and that will be clear. This is My Nation. This is My time. This is My world. It belongs to Me and not to them. So, celebrate. Your enemies’ end game will be their end, saith the Lord of Hosts.