TRANSCRIPT: My children, I, the Lord, am telling you that this October surprise will be unprecedented. It will be a game changer because I am changing the direction of this Nation. Your enemies are about to realize that I am the One Who is in control of this Nation. This is not their election. This is not their country. This is not their White House to control. This is not their time. It is not their choice what direction this Nation takes. This country is Mine, says the Lord. 

This election cycle is about to change in another unprecedented way. Your enemies are about to try something unconventional that they have never considered before, but as they make those plans and those decisions, evidence will come out that will tear it all apart. 

Watch out, children of the Most High. More distractions and disinformation are coming to try to discourage you, but no matter what you hear or see, I have told you it is not bigger than Me. 

A cascade of events will pile up one after another because the only way to steal this Nation again is if they have you all deceived into believing they have the power to steal it. 

Do not be afraid of what they try to do. They are trying right now in unprecedented ways to steal this election from My David. But it is not just his. They are going after a majority of the races with help from China, Iran, Canada, and other nations who have made a pact together to try to kill My David and keep him from power in any way possible. Do you see, My children, why I cannot just shake this country? I have to shake them all. 

Your enemies are about to let another one of their own take a huge hit for someone else, to fall to save this establishment and get more distractions (and your focus) off your elections. 

“The Biden” is about to be blindsided by his own party, but this hit will not just affect him. They do not see (realize) how this will also affect Kamala. Your enemies are willing to try anything to see if anything will stick, to save face and save their machine. So, hold on with their next power grab they will try to take yet again. 

A CIA whistleblower is coming to crash the party of the left. So, watch and see how they squirm to try to get out of this predicament, but there are too many lies and too much evidence out there. They cannot protect themselves from it all.   

Some information will slip through the cracks of the lamestream media. It will surface and cause more fear and dysfunction in your enemies’ camp. I told you that I have infiltrators in their midst, and those infiltrators are about to sing like canaries. 

I have FBI whistleblowers, Secret Service whistleblowers, White House whistleblowers, and Congressional (House and Senate) whistleblowers. A major game changer is about to take place, something that will completely change the course of this Nation (taking it) away from your enemies

The things your enemies have planned in your cities are about to implode against them. There is a ticking time bomb that is about to explode against Washington, and it is about to be set off, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Asgardian: this word will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

Camouflage: this word will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies have used this in more ways than one to hide behind their deception, but it is about to be uncovered. 

Hydrophobia: this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Your enemies have been up to no good thinking of ways to cause more disease, death, and destruction. I told you they are desperate to try anything. 

Snakeskin: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children, unprecedented attacks are coming. An unprecedented election cycle, an unprecedented news cycle, and unprecedented events are about to take place even more in the Land of My Eagle. Weather events and financial markets, everything is shifting in unusual ways to wake you up the rest of the way so you know that you need Me and not just an election to save you. I am moving. I am defending. I am delivering you. Do not lose hope because I have promised you that I will never leave you. Deliverance is coming for My Eagle, and the death of the establishment will be clear, saith the Lord your Redeemer.