TRANSCRIPT: My children, your enemies have ambush attacks set up against you, your cities, your elections, your health, and your financial markets. Your enemies have ambushes set up in all directions and many ways to stop this movement against them and their globalist agenda, to stop the life of this Nation, to stop your hope, to cause death on an unprecedented level, and to cause a controlled financial implosion that will negatively affect you but help them gain more finances to lord over you with. They have brought in funny money; it has poured into your Nation. It is being used to cause a collapse the likes of which you have never seen. 

Your enemies are lying in wait where you cannot see them before they strike, but I am telling you they are about to strike. I am not telling you about these ambushes or these strikes to put fear into your hearts. It is the exact opposite. It is to make you aware of it so you can call it down and use My Words against it. Call catastrophic failure to all their strikes by using the sword of the spirit forcefully against their plans. That is what will take them out. You do not need natural weapons to do that. Spiritual ones are more powerful; they will knock your enemies out and bring them to nothing. 

So let Me hear you shout them out, My children. Shout them out of their positions and come against their power. No matter what they are hiding behind, it is not strong enough or safe enough against the power of My Written Word spoken out of the mouths of My children. I told you that no weapon they have (is greater than Me). They have many they are using for mass destruction, but I am your protection so do not be afraid of what they try. Remember My Authority and use it against them. 

You have the higher ground. You are at the peak of the mountain while your enemies are at the bottom. Do not let them rise any higher. Tear them down with My Words that I have given to you. Call down your enemies’ ambushes and attacks. Call them failed attempts against you. Call them to nothing. 

This part of the battle may appear harsh, intense, and too hard to deal with, but I am telling you that this battle is Mine. Your enemies will lose, and they will be annihilated. I never said this would be easy, but I did say I have given you the ability to do all things. You are in My Army, and My Army never loses. So do not lose hope, no matter what any of this looks like. The world is about to see that I am the Great I AM. I still live, and I still save, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to you in the White House and to all in Washington who are against Israel. You made deals against them. You set them up for death and annihilation. But I will expose your plan. I will show the world who you paid to bring death to Israel. Not only will you never see (the death of Israel), but you will never see the death of the United States either. Instead, you will see the death of your establishment and the globalists’ agenda. I have told you repeatedly, enemies of Almighty God, it is not your time, and you will soon see this is true. 

To all who are with “the Biden” and signing his signature for more death: remember that the handwriting is on the wall, and it is against you. The more you do to this world, the more will be done unto you, says the Lord. 

My children, a great divide is growing in Washington. The puppet masters are about to turn on Jill and “the Biden” for bucking and setting their new puppet up for failure. Oh yes, they have plans set to destroy her reputation, and they will help release some of the skeletons in her closet, even if it means there is a chance of losing the election. “The Biden” and Jill do not want to give up their residency quite yet. So, watch what he is about to do against Kamala. It will shock this Nation. 

I told you, My children, your enemies are imploding because they do not want to share control. They will all lose the White House, and they will all lose My Nation, the United States, along with losing control over the world. 

They will lose the hold over Israel, and now (I) will expose the infiltrators the establishment put in the Israeli government. Israel has something they have been holding onto that they are about to release. It will be devastating to all in Washington who are against Me. 

My children, I am the driving force behind the stone My David is about to throw. So, hold on because things will abruptly change for your good even though it will not seem that way at first. All the giants are coming down in unprecedented ways, saith the Lord your Redeemer.