TRANSCRIPT: My children, your enemies have designed many plans of destruction against your Nation and this election. The port strike is not what you suppose. Your enemies wanted this strike (to bring) the final collapse of this Nation, but I have other plans. There are plans in the works against your enemies. The strike will blow up in their face. It will bring explosive proof of what they were doing to you and how they have used those ports for evil and destruction. 

It is not just the children they were bringing (in). They were also bringing weapons here, camouflaged as products and goods, (to be used) against you. This time, they were meant to bring much death. This had to be stopped. Your enemies were planning much devastation with these products, and they thought this disruption to your food supply and products would cripple this Nation even more. But what your enemies don’t know is that their plans—A, B, C, D, or their end plan—don’t matter to Me. You will see, My children, that those ports, instead of devouring you and your Nation, will devour your enemies. 

Videos are coming to show you what has been going on in the dead of night at those ports, what was really being passed through (to be used) against you. These port disruptions, these hurricanes, all the election interference, and their planned October surprise will all blow up in their face as I show your enemies their place, says the Lord. 

Are you ready, My children, for what I have warned you about? It is here. The time I have been preparing you for is now. A great collapse is coming—the collapse of globalism and the final collapse of the barbaric system they used to enslave you. I will dismantle the credit system. My children, that was never meant to be for you. The stock market was used against you. They only used these things to bring you under their control. You will see things you never thought you would see. You will hear things you never thought you would hear. 

Children of the Most High, do you not see that your enemies are trying to crush your Nation and put it under such a massive strain it will completely collapse? It appears as if you have absent leaders, but they are not absent. They are very present, wanting and desiring to destroy you and to set your Nation on fire, and then enjoy watching it burn. 

 To “the “Biden” and Kamala: this is a time of great judgment for stealing and trying to destroy My Nation. The time has come for your removals in unprecedented ways. How dare you start those fires. How dare you watch My Nation burn and cause such great devastation. You think you can get away with another stolen election by ripping it from the people’s decision? Think again. Judgment is about to strike that White House, where you reside, and the ones making those decisions that you are part of. You are the puppets they chose to use in front of the cameras. You did not make those decisions, but you are just as guilty. 

To “the Biden” and Kamala: you reign as president and vice president, even though you are fake and your administration is fake. You have never had any power. You were the ones chosen by the establishment to take the heat and the brunt of the hatred from the Nation. If the Nation did not accept the plans of your masters, they still wanted to keep face and stay in their places, so they chose you to fall for them. 

This election of 2024 will be like no other. There is nothing to compare to what this Nation will see—unprecedented falls, unprecedented exposures, and unprecedented failures of your enemies’ plans. 

They will try to make unprecedented moves against My David and this Nation before Inauguration Day. Fall enemies of Almighty God. Fall from your places of destruction. Fall from your places of power. Fall from Washington. Fall, I say, fall. You will all pay for the crimes you have committed against this Nation. 

Concerning the hidden secrets of the money you siphoned to Ukraine, explosive evidence is coming to expose your lie. You cannot squirm enough or lie enough to get out of it. 

Concerning the deal you made with Afghanistan and how you let your military die to hide the secrets you have with that country, you are trying to cover your tracks in every way, but you cannot. 

Concerning every foreign nation where you covered up your crimes and left people to die to keep it secret and bury the evidence, exposure after exposure of the truth is coming to crush it all. 

You who are in Washington: you are criminals of the highest order. You murdered the innocent to cover your crimes. Their blood speaks to Me for justice, and justice will be served, says the Lord. I will expose the one world currency you are trying to create to dominate this Earth, to crash your own U.S. dollar, and to choke and suffocate the citizens of this Nation for standing up against you. I will show that you participated in these heinous crimes to keep globalism moving forward. 

To all the leaders of this Nation: your time is coming to an end. I am coming to see to this. You are all being removed by My Hand, and I am cleaning this land of your existence. 

I will make sure this Nation, the United States, receives restoration of everything you have stolen from it. You will soon regret the day you took this Nation on to create your globalist agenda. 

I am speaking to the right and to the left: if you are against Me, you will be brought down. You will be exposed, and you will pay for everything you have done. For I am the Lord, and justice will be served by Me. You will see the destruction of your corporations, your agencies, and your precious news media as you know it. You will see the destruction of Hollywood, your economy, and your establishment. Your walls are crashing, and your end is near, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, be still and know that I am God, and I am delivering you out of the hands of the wicked, and that is guaranteed, saith the Lord your Redeemer.