TRANSCRIPT: For the Spirit of God says, listen now, you have come to a place where the former things are coming to pass and new things, new things, and even as I declared ahead of time, they are waiting for you for this is not the time to look back and only reflect on what has been. Yes, there is a time to give thanks and to put me in remembrance, but it’s a time to behold the wonder of your God and what awaits you and what awaits this country, what awaits the earth in this time for this is the hour that I am resetting the earth. Why do you think the globalists have said that they desire a new world order, that they desire a reset? Ha, I laugh at them for this is my time to mock out of the heavens.

Therefore, pay attention when the earth was without form, void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, I reset and I spoke and I declared, let there be light and there was. I speak this at this time, listen to me as you enter in, not only in your new tabernacle, do not fear that my presence will not be with you for my presence shall go and it shall increase and there shall be great signs and great wonders that wait for you. But not only you, but this nation, for I say to you, pay attention to the days as I said to you, as the earth’s condition was dark and without form and void, what did I do? I used light.

The spirit of God was hovering over the water. I used the water and I used the very soil of this earth to create something in the hour of my work of my hand. So I speak to you, what awaits you in this new season, there shall be an awakening unto this nation, unto your universities, unto your media, unto your politics, unto your children and they shall see the great light because there has been great darkness.

But there shall also be light that shall break forth in technology, medical procedures, surgeries that no longer will be used with a knife, but it shall be directed with light. God says, watch, watch what begins to break forth with water, how I will use water to begin to show you how you can deal with fungus and how fungus that comes inside the body and becomes cancerous can be eradicated through light and through water and watch what breaks forth in the new era. There shall be energy and there shall be independence that shall come unto this country, but there shall come a new energy.

As there has been that you’ve been through the fire, yet I point you in a new direction. Look and behold what is about to come for there is a shifting of your economy. There is a canceling of debts that will come at a level that you have only thought, including, including says the Lord, these buildings, I didn’t ask you to buy them to be in debt.

You watch what happens on a national level, ministry level, and on a personal level, I shall eradicate debt and I will use light. I will use water and I will use the resources of this earth to thrust this country and my people into a time of reward says the Lord. And I have gathered the prayers of the remnant, but I gathered the prayers of women and others who gathered in the place of your capital.

Now watch like Haman what is about to be exposed and it will not be prolonged, but it’ll be a quick thing says the Lord and you will look and they will try to cover it up. Even the media, but this is not the day of their satisfaction for you have seen the vengeance of the enemy, but now in this new era, it is the vengeance of your God and the reward of your King says the Lord.