I, the Lord, this day am telling the enemies of this Nation in Washington DC—the escapade you have been trying to pull off is a farce, sham, scam, theft, and manipulation of this great Nation. I have seen your crimes. I hear the deals you make under the cover of night or in secret places that are not secret to Me. 

Don’t you know that I am God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End? I am omnipotent. I am everywhere. I set up traps, and you have fallen for every one of them. You have kept pursuing the destruction of My Nation and the death of My David, but you will never see either one. 

You want to bring in the New World Order sooner because you see the populist movement, not only in this Nation but in many nations around the world, destroying your plans. 

You see that people are not as dumb and gullible as you once thought. Your brainwashing was not enough to deceive the masses. Your news, propaganda, and movies, used to help further the deception of changing people’s beliefs and thoughts, were not enough, and you did not get the traction you needed. 

You have been interrupted by My Church. You thought they would fall for the same deception, that they would turn to you instead of turning to Me. But now they are stronger, and they are more united. And the more you have tried to crush My Church, the more they are crushing you and your plans. 

Oh, leaders in Washington, you are all fools—you who are against Me and this Nation. You picked puppets who cannot speak or act the way you want them to. Why did you pick the weakest for the most important part of your plan? You wanted people (you could) completely control, but you never considered the citizens of this Nation not falling for their weakness. They can plainly see the hatred from your puppets. 

I am bringing whistleblowers and proof of stolen elections for your fake presidents and puppets. I am bringing this at a time you would least expect it. It will be your fall. It will bring you to nothing. Do not get too cozy where you are and do not think this election or this Nation is yours to have because they are Mine, and you are losing control of all of it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

The CIA is about to crumble under the proof that is coming—how they controlled most of you and how they used their intelligence to keep you all in line. The CIA and all who are corrupt will collapse from the weight of the truth that the American people are about to hear. The CIA was not only a part of the plot to kill My David and some of his family members, but they were also in charge of seeing to its completion, just as they were with JFK and Ronald Reagan. These same types of people were the ones who also killed Abraham Lincoln. 

My children of the United States, these people have been lurking in the darkness, in the shadows of all governments and every president. And if any of them got out of line, threatened their plans, or found out their secrets, they would be killed, impeached, or removed somehow, some way, depending on how much information they knew or found out. 

I will show you how they blackmailed, destroyed, and removed Nixon out of the way because of fear that he would tell the American people what he knew. But he did not fight back to stay in power, so they let him walk away. 

There is more to the secrets behind Watergate that will decimate the establishment, along with explosive evidence of everything they have done since, including secret laptops that will come out and a book of secrets that will be released. Phone calls, emails, and text messages, I have tapped into all of their lines of communication. I have their servers. I have everything they have wanted to hide since the beginning of the establishment in this Nation. 

To the Land of My Eagle: you will see the strength of the wicked more and more moves against you before they are fully removed, but with every move they make, they will further their demise. 

My David’s victory is coming in a way that is unprecedented, and your enemies cannot take it away. They will try everything in their playbook, but they will be defeated. Watch during the time of the lame duck. Watch as the unprecedented and unconventional pick up in intensity. They will try to strike this Nation hard, but it will backfire and turn more people against them. 

2020’s big lie is about to come back with a vengeance and hit your enemies between the eyes. It will bring all the giants down, like Goliath, who were against My David

The great war for this Nation will become more unbearable for some and hopeless for others. But, My children, you stand in the gap, use My Words, pray, and praise. Your worshipping will continue to set up ambushes against your enemies. So, worship louder and more often. And speedily you will see the giants fall, saith the Lord of Hosts.