TRANSCRIPT: I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to deny the world’s influence in your minds and hearts. Deny your enemies access to your lives by speaking My Words, declaring My Words, and praising and worshiping Me. Your enemy is trying everything at this time to bring you great discouragement, and it may feel more overwhelming to you. But remember, you resist him, and he must flee. It is as easy as flicking away a flea. I promise you with My Authority, which I have given you, in the Name of Jesus, all Hell quivers at that Name and all demons must flee at that Name—the Name that is above every name. 

Your enemies are doing more against you in this time, but I am doing more for you. My Glory crushes the power of the enemy, and My Glory dwells in you. Learn to tap into it. Call for more increase, and you will receive more from Me if you just ask. 

My children, it is your time to crush your enemies and put them under your feet in a great defeat. You have more power that I have given to you, which you have not yet used. Use it! Use My Words with great authority. The enemies you are facing have already been defeated because of who dwells with them. See them as nothing because they are nothing against Me. So, get up and take your enemies out with a shout, says the Lord of Hosts. 

The San Andreas Fault is about to be set off. Yes, I said set off—not by itself; it will have help. Oh, California, you are about to shake, and it will get this Nation’s attention. But to My children who live there: plead the Blood, and it will protect you and your homes. The shaking is against your enemies, and it will cause them more destruction. You will hear fear in the news. That is meant to cause more panic.  But, My children, do not panic. Your enemies are the ones that are being destroyed, not you. So, trust in My Words. They are true, and I will see you through, says the Lord. 

Gavin Newsom is soon to be shaken. News reports will be released about the destruction of your state and your freedoms by orders given to him from the establishment, to cause as much oppression as possible without people revolting. 

California: you are not blue. You are actually red. They have deceived you. And the Land of My Eagle just assumes (you are) blue, just like the state of New York. Your enemies will not look at the states they should. They will be ripped out of their hands. They did not even know (these states) were up for grabs. They never thought these deep blue states were actually red. 

A great wave is coming, a red tsunami that this Nation has never seen. They tried to hide it in your last elections, but this time, no matter the schemes, they cannot hide it from Me, and they will not be able to suppress the truth. 

There is not a tight race. There is nothing but a landslide. They cannot predict the amount of people that are silent who have not opened their mouths (yet) that will turn from blue to red. I have said repeatedly that you are living in unprecedented times and that your enemies are helpless to stop it. 

An ambush is coming. Your enemies will try one against you, but it will backfire and go against them. Their election fraud and election interference are nothing compared to Me. No matter what you see right now, do not be moved. But remember, I am saving this Nation, not this election, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Antarctica is about to release its secrets. Great devastation is happening to everything your enemies have hidden there. My infiltrators are about to release information that will destroy the establishment and their next moves against you. 

Europe will be in your news for a significant and unprecedented reason. 

Cattail: this name will be in your news for an unusual reason. 

A compact agreement will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Thunderbirds will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A dark Pentagon secret is about to be released. Some generals are about to be stripped of their medals for the treason they have committed against this Nation. 

Antony Blinken is about to be exposed for the criminal he is. Your enemies are willing to let him go to save others from the exposure that is about to hit Washington. 

Lloyd Austin is about to have some explaining to do. The skeletons in his closet will also be released. 

Many who have destroyed this country by the decisions they were a part of are about to take a hit they will not recover from. 

So, My children, get ready for mass exposure of the ones who have committed treason against this Nation. Removals are coming on a scale never seen before. So, get ready for the shaking that is coming for your leaders in Washington. They will have to let this Nation go, says the Lord of Hosts.