TRANSCRIPT: I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that I will show you all who has sabotaged this Nation and controlled elections and politicians. I will show you all who are controlling the money. I will show you all who are connected to the mainstream media and tell them what to say. I will show you who is on the side of the red that doesn’t belong (there). 

Woe to those who are on the side of the red who are actually blue. I will show the world who you are. I will show the connections you have to the establishment and who pays you to spy on My David. I will show this Nation how you communicated with Obama and all who are with him. 

There is a witch and a Jezebel. I will also show you who is near My David, who said they were your friends and on your side. My David, you still have traitors and liars in your midst—ones you wouldn’t have expected to be. They are good actors but look deep inside their eyes. They are ravenous wolves ready to betray you. 

Oh, My David, I will show you that I am Who you can really trust. I will completely unmask the ones by you that you will need to remove before you take back the White House. This time must be different, My son. This time, rely on My Words and My plans and not political strategists. Some are still giving you advice they know is wrong, but it will look good on paper. 

Do not listen to those whom you have questioned some of their motives. They have given you advice, but some next to you are the ones that led you into that trap at Butler. It was not just your enemies on the outside but also the enemies within. They are trying to stop you from winning. They do not care what it takes to keep you out of that place of power. You have so-called political friends by your side, but some are there to make sure you lose. 

My Words are the ones you should be paying attention to, even though you may not totally understand how to obey Me and how it all works to hear from Me. I am sending people your way to give you My Words that you need to hear, but your enemies will also send a wolf and a witch. I will show you who is who. 

My David, things will intensify against you, but I saved you before, and I am saving you again. You will win, no matter what their plans are. I am with you, so continue to move forward with Me, and you will see the impossible be possible. You will see that I am the same God in the Bible that still works miracles today. This is My Nation, and I am letting you lead it into a mighty victory with Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My children, pray for My David to hear and pray that he sees who is with him and who is not. I will take care of the House and the Senate and what they try next against him. It will not work. You will see their indictments collapse for good, and you will see the judges against him be judged. You will see them try to stop him from taking back the presidency, but they cannot, just like they couldn’t make any of their charges stick against him. They think they are slick to change laws and use their DOJ to do it, but a great wall is crashing—the wall of their so-called Justice Department. 

Merrick Garland: the skeletons in your closet will be released, and I will show what you have done to My Nation and to My David. You will pay a high price for your part, for I, the Lord, am bringing judgment on everyone against Me. I am the Judge over all the Earth, and I am bringing My gavel down. Justice will be served. 

A whistleblower is coming that will bring a great shock to this Nation with the surprises they have that will uncover many politicians and the crimes they have committed against this Nation. Political walls are coming down, and a great political reset will take place. I am ready to remove all who are against Me, says the Lord your Redeemer.